【Voice of GEDU】1月21日 雅思口语考试高分解析


Kei Lee【个人简介】多年英文教学经验,曾在国内知名培训机构担任托福及雅思讲师。以独特的亲和力、耐心以及...

Kei Lee



Hey there. This is Kei from Global Education. 今天的好声音就由我来主持。马上要过年啦,大家开不开心啊?有人说,不开心。为啥呢?因为没有钱。所以我今天就要跟大家讨论一个关于报酬的雅思口语话题。

Describe a well-paid job.

You should say:

  • what this job is
  • how well it pays
  • how you found out about this job
  • and explain why this job interests you


Today I would like to talk about a well-paid job. A job that particularly interests me and pays well at the same time is doctor. When I was a little child, I was not very strong and would get sick every so often. Whenever I was not feeling well, my mom would take me to see this doctor, called Doctor Chen. I was scared of hospital at first, and would cry every time I had to go there.

However, Dr. Chen was always very nice and patient with me. Sometimes she would even give me small gifts so I would stop crying. This was when I started to like her, and her job. Also, as someone from a Chinese family, doctor is almost a stereotypically awesome profession. And the reason is very simple: it pays well. My mom worked at a hospital too, and she would always nag me, asking me to become a doctor one day. She would bring up the matter once in a while and say, “My surgeon colleague just received a third bonus of the year, and it’s only June!” And I would be like, “That only means he’s a great surgeon…”

Because to me, his bonus meant some lives were saved, and that was probably more important. This has become the main reason why I’m interested in this job right now. I think being able to help people, cure them and save their lives is one of the most significant things in this world. That also explains why my goal for now is to go to a medical school.

Happy Chinese New Year!

【Voice Of Gedu】1月14日 雅思口语真题高分解析




    关注 加拿大环球雅思


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