回忆暮光---Do U Miss Twilight


Itx26#39;s like a drug to me. You are like my own personal brand of heroin.对我来说你就像毒品一样,就像我私人的海洛因。期待某天会有人对我说这句,反正我看着电影听着都醉了,你勒?...


Bella: Edward,why did you save me? If you just let the venom spread.I could be like you by now. 为什么你要救我?.如果你让毒液扩散。我现在就和你一样了。

Edward:You don't know what you're saying.You don't want this.你不知道你在说什么。你不想这样。

Bella:I want you.Always.我想要你。永远。

Edward:I'm not gonna end your life for you.我不想结束你的生活。

Bella:I'm dying already.Every second,I get closer.Older.我已近在死亡的过程中了。 每一秒,都更接近死亡。变老。

Edward:That's the way it's supposed to be.事情本来就应该这样。

Bella:Alice said that she saw me like you.爱丽丝,说他看到我像你一样。

Edward:I heard her. Her visions change.我听她说了 她的视像会变化。

Bella:Yeah, based on what people decide.I' ve decided对。根据人们的决定。.我决定了。

Edward:So that's what you dream about.……Becoming a monster.你梦寐以求成为一头怪物。

Bella: I dream about being with you forever.我梦想和你永远。

Edward:Forever?And you're ready right now?永远?你现在准备好了吗?


Edward:Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?和我度过一个漫长而快乐的一生 这样还不够吗?


Edward:For now. 就现在。

Bella:No one will surrender tonight.But i won't give in.I know what I want.今晚没有人会放弃。但是我不会屈服。我清楚我要什么。


Bella: you are impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice-cold.Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything.you don't go out in the sunlight.how old are you?


Edward: seventeen. 十七岁。

Bella:How long have you been 17? 你十七岁多久了?

Edward:a while. 很久了。

Bella:I know what you are. 我知道你是什么。

Edward:Say it.Out loud. Say it. 说出来。大声点。说出来。

Bella:Vampire. 吸血鬼。

Edward:Are you afraid? 你害怕吗?

Bella: No. 不。

Edward:Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat ?那回答我一个最简单的问?我们吃什么。

Bella: You won't hurt me。Where are we going ?你不会伤害我。我们这是要去哪?

Edward:Up the mountain. out of the cloud bank.you need to see what i look like in the sunlight.

This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight.people would know we're different.this is what i am山顶。没有云层的地方。你应该看看我在阳光下是什么样子。这就是为什么我们不出现在阳光下的原因。人们会知道我们的不同。这就是我

Bella:it's like diamonds.You're beautiful. 看起来像钻石一样。你皮肤真美。

Edward: beautiful? 美?This is the skin of a killer,Bella.I'm a killer这就是杀手的皮肤,Bella。我是个杀手。

Bella: I don't believe that 我不相信。

Edward: That's because you believe the lie.it's camouflage.I'm the world's most dangerous predator.Everything about me invites you in.My voice my face even my smell.As if i would need any of that.As if you could outrun me! As if you could fight me off. I'm design to kill.这样你就不能把我击倒。那是因为你相信谎言。那是我的伪装。我是这个世界上最危险的猎手。我的任何东西都是要吃掉你。 我的声音,我的容貌,甚至我的嗅觉好像我离不开他们一样。这样你就不会从我这里逃脱!我就是被设计用来杀戮的。

Bella:I don't care 我不在乎。

Edward:I've killed people before 我以前杀过人。

Bella:It does not matter. 那没什么大不了的。

Edward:I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life.我曾经想过要杀了你。我一生从没如此渴望要得到你的血。

Bella:I trust you 我信任你。

Edward:Don't 不要。

Bella: I 'm here, I trust you. 我在这儿我信任你。

Edward:My family,we're different from others of our kind. We only hunt animals.We've learned to control our thirst. But it's you, your scent. It's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin. 我的家人和其他吸血鬼不一样。我们只捕猎动物。我们已经学会怎样控制我们的渴望。但是你,你的气味。对我来说你就像毒品一样,就像我私人的海洛因。

Bella:Why did you hate me so much when we met.为什么我们第一次几面的时候你那么讨厌我?

Edward:I did.Only for making me want you so badly.I still don't know if i can control myself. 我想喝你的血。只有你才能让我如此的上瘾。我现在还不知道我能否控制得了自己。

Bella:I know you can. 我知道你能。

Edward:I can't read your mind. 我听不到你在想什么。

you have to tell me what you're thinking. 你要告诉我你现在在想什么。

Bella:Now I'm afraid. 我现在很害怕。

Edward:Good. 很好。

Bella:I'm not afraid of you.I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're gonna disappear.但我不是害怕你。我唯一害怕的就是失去你。我感觉你就要消失了。

Edward:you don't know how long I've waited for you. So the lion fell in love with the lamb.你不知道我等你等了多久。当狮子爱上羔羊的时候。

Bella:What a stupid lamb. 多么愚蠢的羔羊。

Edward:What a sick,masochistic lion. 多么病态的自讨苦吃的狮子。


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