








Loveless 《无爱可诉》


Set in modern-day Russia, Loveless is the story of a couple navigating a long-deteriorated (恶化) marriage. Each has moved on to a new partner, yet they seem unsure about what to do with their preteen son—whose birth 12 years earlier forced them to marry in the first place.

《无爱可诉》是目前本届戛纳电影节场刊评分最高的影片。影片中,Boris和Zhenya是一对正在办离婚的夫妻,他们各自有了新的情人,但却在对12岁儿子Alyosha的抚养问题上争执不休。一天,Alyosha无意间听到父母的争吵,倍感痛苦的他决定离家出走……直至影片结束,Boris和Zhenya也没能找回孩子。除了对现代都市社会中的爱情和家庭关系进行探讨,这部影片还揭露了一个冷漠、腐败的现实社会。正如该片的一位制片人亚历山大·罗德尼亚斯基所说:“This film is capturing Russian life and Russian anguish (痛苦), but I believe it is universal. He (指该片导演安德烈·萨金塞夫) is investigating the human condition with no borders.”
The Beguiled 《牡丹花下》


Directed by Sofia Coppola, the drama is set in an all-female boarding school in America’s South during the Civil War and is in competition for the top prize,the Palme d’Or (金棕榈奖). An injured enemy soldier, played by Colin Farrell, is taken in by the women, but tensions—and sexual jealousy—rise.

Okja 《玉子》


Okja is a disturbing kind of fable in which a young girl has raised a massive, genetically modified pig named Okja. Ten years on, the New Yorkconglomerate (企业集团) that manufactured the animal comes to the remote South Korean mountains to retrieve its invention, one intended to provide a new profitable source ofgenetically modified food (转基因食品).

《玉子》是本届戛纳电影节中为数不多的亚洲影片。该片由美国著名流媒体视频服务商Netflix和布拉德·皮特的制片公司Plan B共同制作,由导演奉俊昊历经七年打磨而成。奉俊昊一直是韩国怪兽电影的先驱者,这次也不例外。该片的主人公玉子并不是一个人,而是一只带着秘密出生,重达六吨,外形融合了河马、小猪、宠物狗等生物特征的转基因物种。而影片讲述的就是玉子和与它一起长大的少女美子之间结下深厚友谊并展开奇异旅程的冒险故事。对于这部影片,奉俊昊导演自己的评价是:“影片讲述了动物和人类之间的故事,人类和动物的关系可以十分美好,也可以并非如此,这两方面都有所展现。”

The Killing of a Sacred Deer 《圣鹿之死》


Farrell and Kidman play husband and wife; he’s acardiac surgeon (心脏病外科医生), she’s anophthalmologist (眼科医生). He takes a troubled teenage boy under his wing, haunted by the fact that the boy’s father died on his operating table a few years earlier. And then things go very, very wrong.

Wonderstruck 《寂静中的惊奇》


Starring Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams, it tells the story of a young boy and young girl—50 years apart—whose stories intertwine. Based on Brian Selznick’s critically acclaimed novel Ben and Rose are children from two different eras who secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known, while Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in ascrapbook (剪贴簿). When Ben discovers a puzzling clue in his home and Rose reads an enticing headline in the newspaper, both children set out on quests to find what they are missing that unfold with mesmerizing symmetry.



120 Beats Per Minute 《每分钟120击》


120 Beats Per Minute is constructed around a series of ACT UP meetings, in which the activists debate various actions designed to challenge publiccomplacency (沾沾自喜) and force both the government and the drug companies to take action, and then follows ACT UP members as they carry out their theatrical protests. Gradually, it also zeroes in on two of the participants: Sean, an HIV-positive young man spurred to action by hisplunging (骤降的)T-cell (一种白细胞) count; and Nathan, an HIV-negative guy, new to the movement, who becomes Sean’s boyfriend …

这部电影也被视为本届戛纳金棕榈大奖最有力的竞争者之一,讲述了巴黎两个性格迥异的同志男孩一起投身“抗艾”运动,最终因理念冲突而分道扬镳的故事。故事背景设于20世纪90年代早期,随着60年代末性解放运动的兴起,艾滋病逐渐进入公众视野。但由于人们对艾滋病了解有限,所以常常将同性恋者和艾滋病联系在一起。该片就以“抗艾”组织Act Up的活动为切入点,从群体和制度的层面对“抗艾”运动和同志权益保护这两个主题进行探讨。

    关注 新东方英语


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