



Zhejiang University Journal of Art and Archaeology 2
 浙江大學藝術與考古研究中心 編
The Center for the Study of Art and Archaeology, Zhejiang University
 456千字  379頁  889mm×1194mm  1/16
編輯委員會 Editorial BoardRobert Bagley Princeton University

白謙慎 Boston University

Lothar von Falkenhausen University of California, Los Angeles

謝明良  臺灣大學

李零  北京大學

李玉珉  臺灣大學

繆哲  浙江大學

石守謙  Academia Sinica

曾布川寬  黑川古文化研究所

Peter C. Sturman  University of California, Santa Barbara

Alain Thote  École Pratique des Hautes Études

主   編 Editor  繆哲

副主編 Associate Editor  來國龍

編   輯 Assistant Editor  陳雅飛



地址:浙江省杭州市餘杭塘路866號 · 浙江大學紫金港校區西三A樓206B室(郵編310058)

電話:(+86) 571-88206335

郵箱:zujaa@zju.edu.cn;  zujaa2014@126.com

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Ancient Chinese Bells and the Origin of the Chromatic Scale

Robert Bagley



Dong Qichang’s Seals: A More Rigorous Approach to the Dating of Undated Works

Celia Carrington Riely


Wang Haicheng, Writing and the Ancient State: Early China in Comparative Perspective

Zhang Hanmo

Wei-cheng Lin, Building a Sacred Mountain: The Buddhist Architecture of China’s Mount Wutai


Peter N. Miller and François Louis, eds. Antiquarianism and Intellectual Life in Europe and China, 1500–1800 and Alain Schnapp, ed., with Lothar von Falkenhausen, Peter N. Miller, and Tim Murray, World Antiquarianism: Comparative Perspectives

Jeffrey Moser



A Reconsideration of the Length of King Gong’s Reign on the Basis of Recently Discovered Bronzes, with Further Discussion of the Transformation of Bronzes in the Latter Phase of the Middle Western Zhou
Han Wei
Peking University
Abstract: Utilizing new evidencefrom recently excavated Western Zhou bronzes, this essay argues that some bronzes from the middle Western Zhou dynasty which have long reign recordsin their inscriptions, such as the Lu Gui, Qiuwei Gui, Hu Gui Lid, and Zuocewu He, should be dated to the reign of King Gong. The attribution of these vessels demonstrates that thereign of King Gong lasted at least thirty years. Using the “associative method” (xilianfa), the author identifies ten distinct groups of representative King Gong erabronzes. By comparing bronzes excavated from elite tombs of the era of Kings Gong and Yi with bronzes from the classic tombs of the era of King Mu, theauthor identifies a range of novel features that include new vessel types, assemblages, vessel shapes, and décor. Together, these features signal thereign of King Gong as the beginning of the great transformation of bronzes thatoccurred during the Western Zhou. In contrast to the theory that a suddentop-down ritual reformation occurred between the middle and late Western Zhou, the author argues that the transformation of Western Zhou bronzes was a long, gradual process spanning at least fifty to sixty years.

Keywords: Western Zhou, bronzes, periodization, chronology, KingGong, ritual reform

Ancient Chinese Bells and the Origin of the Chromatic Scale
Robert Bagley
Princeton University

Abstract: In recent decades Chinese archaeologists have unearthed ancient musical instruments whose implications for music theory reach well beyond ancient China. Tuned sets of bronze bells that still sound their original pitches are now known as far back as the eleventh century BCE. Most remarkable and most informative is a fifth century set found in the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng (d. 433 BCE). Its sixty-five bells—a total of 2,500 kilograms of bronze—play a five-octave pentatonic scale that begins two octaves below middle C. A three-octave stretch within that compass is fully chromatic. The bells are inscribed at their strike points with the names of the pitches they sound and with longer texts describing transpositions from one pentatonic tonality to another. Nineteen further instruments—drums, winds, zithers, and a set of forty-one chime stones—werefound alongside the bells. The chime stones, twelve per octave, are numbered from 1 to 41 in pitch order. Beginning on the first G# above middle C, they supply just under three and a half octaves of the chromatic scale. Like the bells, they are inscribed with their pitches and with transposing inscriptions written by theorists who understood the chromatic scale as equivalent to all possible transpositions of the anhemitonic pentatonic scale. On the evidence of these and earlier finds, the present paper argues that in China the chromaticscale was constructed and instruments were tuned to it long before theorists learned how to calculate musical scales. The existence of a non-mathematical route to the chromatic scale has implications for our understanding of the scale in the West as well as in China.

Keywords: chromatic scale, tuning and temperament, tuned bell sets, ancient Chinese music theory, Zeng Hou Yi, Ling Lun, Lüshi chunqiu

要:中國考古學家在近幾十年發掘出來的古代樂器對音樂理論的啓示遠遠超出了古代中國的範圍。現知仍能奏出原始音高的編鐃可以早至公元前十一世紀,而最不同凡響、最富含信息的是公元前五世紀的曾侯乙墓所出的編鐘(下葬年代爲公元前433年)。它由65 件樂鐘組成,用銅量達到2500公斤,所奏五聲音階從中央C 音下的第二個八度開始跨越五個八度音程。在這一音域中的三個連續八度具有完整的半音音階。在這些鐘的敲擊點鑄有它們的音名和描述如何從一種五聲調式移到另一種五聲調式的長篇銘文。和編鐘一起出土的還有鼓、管樂器、弦樂器和一套原有41件的編磬等另外19種樂器。編磬按照音高順序從1 號編到41號,每個八度音程有12 件。從中央C音之上的#G 開始它們剛好提供了三個半八度音程的半音音階。編磬和編鐘一樣有關於它們的音名和移調的銘文,而寫作這些銘文的樂理學家將半音音階視爲無半音五聲音階所有移調産生音高的順次排列。根據此墓及時代更早的發現,本文認爲在中國半音音階的形成和以此調音的樂器的産生,均遠早於樂理學家對如何計算音階的掌握。這一不用數學方法而得到半音音階途徑的存在,對於我們理解中西方的音階均有啓發意義。




The Duke of Zhou Acting as King Cheng’s Regent
Miao Zhe
Zhejiang University

Abstract: As a Confucian discourse formulated in the late Warring States period, “the Duke of Zhou Acting as King Cheng’s Regent” became elaborated into an ideological dogma after Confucianism was established as the official ideology of the Han dynasty during Emperor Wu’s reign. Thereafter, the dogma was used continually to promote political orideological causes. As a shaping force in politics and ideology, its dormancy or activation was contingent on specific political situations.

Before the time of Wang Mang, the dogma was usually citedas a rhetorical device

to support or embellish political arguments, with little political consequence. When Wang Mang rose to power as Emperor Ping’s regent, he systematically overhauled the official ideology, and based his legitimacy asregent on his ability to reenact authentically the past events sanctified by Confucian exegesis, particularly “the Duke of Zhou Acting as Regent.” To promote his cause, he reinterpreted the dogma in accordance with the positionof the Old Text School, and used it as the scenario of the re-enaction unfolded in his political theater. After the restoration of the Han by Emperor Guangwu, the scenario was standardized into a doctrine that “a sage monarch needsassistants,” with the Duke of Zhou and King Cheng as the example sanctified by the exegesis. His immediate successors, Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang, attempted to associate their reigns with that of King Cheng, who had succeeded the founder of the Zhou dynasty. To make manifest this claim, they re-enactedthe sanctified example as a ritual pageant. After that, to the end of the Han dynasty, the example lost its significance gradually and ended up a rhetoricalcliche. As an art theme, Duke of Chou Acting as Cheng King’s Regent must have been created originally in this context, and thus should be understood asa visual expression of the above-mentioned political and ideological efforts. Of the theme there appears to have exited two types. One was commissioned by Emperor Wu himself. Based on the interpretation of the New Text School, this type featured Cheng king as a baby in swaddling clothes carried on Duke of Chou’s back. No example of this type exists. The other one was possibly commissioned by Wang Mang and based on the interpretation of the Old Text School, probably featuring Cheng King as a young boy standing by himself. Its traces can be found in surviving Han stone carvings with the same theme.

Keywords: Han stone carving, Duke of Chou, Cheng King, Wang Mang, the New Text

School, the Old Text School

Dong Qichang’s Seals:
A More Rigorous Approach to the Dating of Undated Works
Celia Carrington Riely
Independent Scholar (Ph. D., Harvard University, currently resides in France)
Abstract: The art historian whostudies later Chinese painting and calligraphy, faced with an artist’s undated work, usually dates it on the basis of its style, inserting it into the body of dated works by the artist at the point where it seems stylistically best suited. But precisely where an undated work fits within an artist's stylistic developmentis open to any number of interpretations. This essay attempts to demonstrate that for the many undated works by the late Ming artist Dong Qichang on which the artist has impressed his seals, the seals frequently afford a far more accurate means of dating than a judgment based on style alone can provide.

Keywords: Dong Qichang, seals, dating






Diversity and Drive: 
On Wang Duo and Dong Qichang
Xue Longchun
Nanjing Arts Institute

Abstract: Wang Duo (1593–1652) inherited Dong Qichang’s (1555–1636) self-assurance and ambitious pursuit ofcultural authority. While Dong was still alive, the two men enjoyed a close relationship, and Wang took his lead from Dong on matters of artist icemulation, connoisseurship, social strategy, and self-publicity. But after Dong’s death, Wang went his own way. He denied the preeminence that Dong Qichang had attributed to Dong Yuan in the history of landscape painting, and praised Jing Hao and other Five Dynasties and Northern Song painters. Whereas Dong favored a light, subtle manner of calligraphy, Wang emphasized momentum, force, and complex layering. These differences stemmed in a large measure from Wang’s esteem for the large hanging scroll format. Wang adapted to the premiumthat the new format placed on the overall affect of the work, completing the transition from Dong Qichang’s brushwork-oriented practice to the new composition oriented approach. Ultimately, this transformation can be traced tothe differences between the historical circumstances and literati attitudes ofthe Wanli (1573–1620) and Chongzhen (1628–1644) eras. While the distinction between Dong and Wang motivated the development of calligraphy, Wang Duo’s emphasis on the appeal of accidental qualities nevertheless preserved a trace of Dong Qichang’s aesthetics of “ingenuousness” (sheng).

Keywords: Wang Duo, Dong Qichang, Late Ming, cultural authority

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雖然如此,我們也非無所倡導。藝術史的物件,固然雖是作品,是“物”,但我們應問、並回答的問題,卻無不與人有關:人如何設計、製作並使用了它?人對它有怎樣的觀念、看法,或感受?這些問題,唯有把物置於其產生時代的政治、社會、宗教、文化乃至經濟的脈絡中,方才問得允當,答得確當。時代好比織物,藝術乃其中的經緯,其材料、色彩、粗細及摛布的方式,莫不取決於與其他經緯的關聯。如此開展藝術史研究,方可擺脫藝術史舊有的戀物傾向(fetishism),並成為嚴肅的歷史研究的一組成。為此,我們在用心於“物”的同時,亦須用心於同時代的全部或主要文獻。我們相信,綜合兩者,方可希冀復原其賴以產生的經驗與生活。具體地說,在宣導從歷史序列的角度,去關注“物”或藝術品的同時,我們也宣導對同時代之主要或全部文獻原典的細讀、複讀與歷史性解讀(historical explanation)。割裂文獻與思想脈絡的檢索式閱讀、放棄歷史原則的自由闡釋、對二手文獻的過度依賴──這些已漸成趨勢的做法,是我們不鼓勵的。


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The Poetic Ideas Scroll Attributed to Mi Youren and SimaHuai

Peter C. Sturman

Reassessing Printed Buddhist Frontispieces from Xi Xia

Shih-shan Susan Huang






Li Feng, Bureaucracy and the State in Early China: Governing the Western Zhou

Lothar von FalkenhausenKakinuma Yōhei 柿沼陽平, Chūgoku kodai kahei keizaishi kenkyū 中國古代貨幣經濟史研究

Lothar von Falkenhausen

Anthony J. Barbieri-Low, Artisans in Early Imperial China and Lillian Lan-yingTseng, Picturing Heaven in Early China



Shih-shan Susan Huang, Picturing the True Form: Daoist VisualCulture in Traditional China

The Mawangdui Diagram of the Taiyi Incantation


“TheInternational Animals”:
The Images of the Lion and the Tiger in Chinese Art


The Poetic Ideas Scroll
Attributed to Mi Youren and Sima Huai
Peter C. Sturman
University of California, Santa Barbara

Abstract: From the time it came to the attention of scholars and connoisseursin the late Ming dynasty, the Poetic Ideas scroll attributed to MiYouren (1074–1151) and Sima Huai (fl. twelfth century) has long been considered an important example of Song dynasty literati painting. The scroll’s twopaintings, each of which is preceded by single poetic lines by Du Fu, offer a rare window into the inventive manner in which Song scholar-official painterscombined texts with images. The scroll has also been noted for the many puzzlesit presents, beginning with the identity of Sima Huai and the authorship of the two paintings, neither of which is signed. The essay reviews the historiography of Poetic Ideas, examines all documentary evidence, and offers new research in an effort to solve some of the many previously unresolved questions. Particular emphasis is put on the identity of the person who chose the Du Fu lines, known only by his style name, Duanshu. Arguing that the mos tlikely candidate for Duanshu is Li Zhiyi (1048–1118 or later), a celebrated literary figure and disciple of Su Shi, the author proposes a date for the making of the scroll during the late Northern Song, as opposed to the early Southern Song, and a context for understanding why these particular Du Fu lines were chosen for illustration.

Keywords: Mi Youren, Sima Huai, Li Zhiyi, Song literati painting, poem-painting

Reassessing Printed Buddhist Frontispieces from Xi Xia
Shih-shan Susan Huang  
Rice University
Abstract: This study uses printed Buddhist frontispieces to reevaluate Xi Xiavisual culture and its connections to neighboring cultures—the Song, the Khitan Liao, and the Jurchen Jin. Many frontispieces, produced in large numbers withChinese woodblock printing technology, have been excavated at Khara Khoto, Inner Mongolia, and sites in Gansu and Ningxia. Applying a visual approach, theauthor pays special attention to the uses of modular motifs across cultures.The production of Buddhist texts and frontispieces in early Yuan Hangzhou attests to the legacy of Xi Xia visual culture, which was promoted by Tangutmonks active at the Chinese court and in the Jiangnan area. Far from beingperipheral, Xi Xia’s visual culture participated in dynamic dialogues with its neighbors and deserves a reassessment.

Keywords: Tangut, Xi Xia, frontispiece, print culture, Buddhism

Local inspirations of the origin of Jingdezhen Yuan blue-and-white

要:本文以元代景德鎮窯業的根本變革爲基礎,探求新技術傳入背後的社會驅動力,尤其著重在討論青花瓷出現的本地動因。我們若將景德鎮元青花的出現放在元代窯業變革的脈絡中,可看出陶工亟求變革、積極引進新原料及裝飾技法的決心。這些發展似乎應該視爲景德鎮窯業對當時逆境的積極回應,亟欲突破蔣祈《陶記》描述的宋末元初景德鎮的窯業困境。而1278 年“浮梁磁局”的設立,對於景德鎮窯業的恢復與經濟地位的提升,應該也起了一定的作用。然官方管理鬆弛之後,自由市場的活絡與本地社會地域性的需求,最終促成了景德鎮窯業史上极具革命性的各項變革。在此變革當中,景德鎮窯場創燒了包括青花在内的釉下彩繪、紅緑彩、孔雀藍釉、銅紅釉及鈷藍釉等豐富多樣的新産品。同時,我們注意到本地社會地域性的陪葬品與供奉品之需求,對景德鎮釉下彩發展的直接啟示不可輕忽。相對於具體技術發展,啟發青花瓷出現的社會驅動力更是不容忽略,甚至更爲重要。想法的醞釀應當先於相應技術之發展;且起源背後社會驅動力的釐清,有助於整體性地理解相應技術及風格的選擇與使用。相信這樣的思考方向,對元青花起源之研究具有關鍵性的助益。


Calligraphy and Everyday Life among Late Qing Officials



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一、《浙江大學藝術與考古研究》由浙江大學藝術與考古研究中心編輯。英文名為Zhejiang University Journal of Art and Archaeology (ZUJAA)。暫定每年一輯,十六開本,於四季度出版。


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《浙江大學藝術與考古研究》編輯部  陳雅飛收

地址:浙江省杭州市餘杭塘路866號 · 浙江大學紫金港校區西三A樓206B室(郵編310058)

電話:(+86) 571-88206335

郵箱:zujaa@zju.edu.cn, zujaa2014@126.com


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