



今 译:每位德行端正的人既要终日勉力而为,又要从早到晚思虑各种困难,那么即使遇到危难,亦无碍。

衍 言:行事需恒久之毅力,亦需周详之思虑,唯此,方保成功。


The superior man is active and vigilant all the day, and in the evening he is still careful and apprehensive. The position is dangerous, but there will be no mistake.——from The Third Lline, Qian

Modern interpretation: A noble man should exert himself to the utmost and consider possible difficulties carefully all day long. This will free him from mistakes even in a dire peril.

Moral: Only when indomitable willpowers and careful considerations are present,can victory be won.

Glossary: Zhou Yi (the Book of Changes), also called Yi Jing or Yi for short, is one of the great classics of Confucianism. It was said that Fuxi was the inventor of the eight trigrams, and all the Gua Ci (Judgment to the Hexagrams) and Yao Ci (the Text Pertaining to the Individual Lines) were written by King Wen of Zhou. Anyway the book might have come forth during the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. By means of the eight trigrams, the book, full of dialectical ideas, tries to infer changes of society and nature.未完待续......欲知下回,请关注微信公众号: xiaoyida_com ,回复 xse90153 获取完整内容!
本小说内容节选自:传记名著小说 《周易金言百句》

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