教你11条秘诀让松果体去钙化│11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland



This how-to list will give you a reference point for exercises and ways to help with pineal gland decalcification.  Your pineal gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye, is a small endocrine gland in the geometric center part of your brain.  It is home to the ajna (brow) chakra and its energy is of psychic and spiritual phenomena.


Your pineal gland produces a number of chemicals and hormones that cause happiness and serenity, euphoria, restfulness, civilized behavior, balanced emotions, and psychical phenomena just to name a few.  These are natural states of being, however, due to lack of proper nutrition, environmental issues, left-brained thinking, and various chemicals; most people have developed a calcified pineal gland.


The Creator has given humans a chance to reverse or decrease ALL “ailments” and dysfunctions.  There are various supplements, food and drink, exercise, and other practices one can implement into their lifestyle to reverse pineal gland decalcification.  Once you begin to consciously work with the energy of the third eye chakra you will begin to see reality for what it is as opposed to what you have been programmed to beLIEve.


11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland


The following list is in no particular order.  See what resonates or feels right to you and begin there.  And remember, practicing patience and being consistent is key for any spiritual and metaphysical work.


1. Eliminate or reduce meat intake.  Meats, especially heavier ones like beef and pork, are very acidic.  An acidic ph balance is not conducive for a healthy, decalcified pineal gland.

1. 剔除或减少肉类摄入量。肉类,特别是口味较重的红肉,如牛肉和猪肉,是非常酸性的。酸性pH值的水平,不利于健康和松果体的去钙化。

2. Drink alkaline or distilled water.  Alkaline water is electrifying and distilled water removes heavy toxins and metals out of the human body.

2. 喝碱性水或蒸馏水。碱性水补充电解质、蒸馏水去除人体内大量的毒素和重金属。

3. Avoid fluoride.  Fluoride is toxic to the human system.  Use non-fluoride toothpaste.  Most tap water in the US is fluoridated so drink alkaline or distilled water.
3. 避免接触氟化物。氟化物对人体系统是有毒的。请使用不含氟的牙膏。在美国大部分的自来水含氟,请喝碱性水或蒸馏水。

4. Practice Sungazing.  Taking in the Sun’s energy when it is orange or setting/rising is tremendously beneficial for the pineal gland and decalcification.  You can do this daily for 3-5 minutes, it doesn’t take long.  Your pineal reacts remarkably to our Sun.

4. 练习直视太阳。吸收太阳的能量,当它是橙色或日落/日出时,对松果体本身和去除钙化都有惊人的效果。你可以每天练习3-5分钟,它并不需要很长时间。太阳对松果体的作用显著。

5. Eat more greens & vegetables.  The more alkaline foods you get into your system the more you are feeding the pineal gland and other crucial parts of your being.  Foods that have been charged with sunlight are electrifying and pineal decalcifying!

5. 多吃绿叶类和其他种类的蔬菜。进入身体系统的碱性食物越多,喂养松果体的营养越多,这是你存在的另一个关键部分。吸收充分阳光后的食物含有惊人的能量,它们可以使松果体去除钙化!

6. Avoid mercury.  Mercury is extremely toxic.  Most vaccines and tooth fillings are mercury-based.  However, nowadays, most dentist are using non-mercury based fillings.  If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, a holistic dentist can remove them.

6. 避免接触汞。汞含有剧毒。以前,大多数疫苗和牙齿填充物都是汞基。然而,如今大多数牙医都在使用非汞基填充。如果你的牙齿仍有汞填充物,请牙医将它们移除。

7. Maintain positive thoughts and actions.  This may seem a little elementary or not “deep enough” but,  there is great power in your state of mind.  Thoughts can also be toxic.

7. 保持积极正向的思想和行动。这可能看上去是很基本的,也不“深刻”,但人的思想状态是一股非常强大的力量。思想也可能是有毒的。

8. Take Blue Green Algae and other chlorophyll rich “superfoods”.  This is similar to eating more veggies but adding a more powerful punch.  Other superfoods include chlorella, spirulina, sea moss, and wheatgrass.

8. 食用蓝绿色藻类和其他富含叶绿素的“超级食品”。这个方法有点类似多吃蔬菜,但会有更强的冲击力。其他“超级食品”包括小球藻、螺旋藻、海苔和小麦草。

9. Use herbs.  Herbs like mugwort, wood betony, alfalfa, parsley, and gotu kola have wonderful healing properties.  You can make a tea or grind it and sprinkle on a salad, or it can be smoked as part of a ritual.

9. 使用中草药。像艾草、水苏、紫花苜蓿、欧芹和积雪草这样的中草药都有神奇的疗愈效果。你可以用它们泡茶或者磨碎,洒在沙拉上,或者在仪式中使用它们的烟。

10. Don’t use fluorescent bulbs.  Cheap light bulbs are very inconsistent with the natural light spectrum.  Your pineal gland is light-sensitive.   It’s also important to sleep in complete darkness, if  possible.

10. 不要使用荧光灯。便宜的灯泡是极其不符合自然光的光谱。你的松果体对光很敏感。如果可能的话,在完全的黑暗中睡眠也是很重要的。

11. Place a crystal on your brow chakra daily.  Meditating with a crystal is energetically beneficial for pineal decalcification.  Some of the favorites are amethyst, clear quartz, sodalite, and lapis lazuli.

11.  每天在你的额头上放置一块水晶。用水晶冥想对松果体去钙化的效果是显著的。其中一些收藏是紫水晶、白水晶、方钠石和青金石。

版权声明:Gregg Prescott,M.S.活出神性的自己:24股DNA激活——来自神的恩典,你准备接受这份礼物吗?

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