Wow Story of January



Club: Tommy Tu
Boxley先生 是我们酒店的老客人,也是名副其实的“老”客人——他今年已经90高龄了, 行政酒廊礼宾司Tommy Tu在行政酒廊遇到了Boxley先生,交谈中,Tommy听说他上一次入住已经是六年之前了,于是Tommy带着Boxley先生去参观了新装修的大堂酒廊,Boxley先生非常高兴地说着酒店曾经的样子,两人相谈甚欢。其间Boxley先生 说到了他手上的腕表,那是一块珍藏版的伯爵金表,是他已故的妻子送给他的,这块表陪伴了他很多年,对Boxley先生来说,这块表非常地珍贵。

Boxley先生在酒店住了短暂的四天,时常来到行政酒廊小憩, Tommy注意到客人年岁已高,记忆力不太好,重要的事情都会拿出他的笔记本记下,为此Tommy赠送了他一支有丽思卡尔顿logo的笔和笔记本作为礼物。临走时,Tommy亲自来到他的房间送他,确保他没有东西遗落,然后送他到楼下,帮 Boxley先生叫了到浦东机场的出租车。考虑到Boxley先生年纪很大,不方便和司机沟通,Tommy留下了司机的联系方式并告知他可以随时联系自己。

不久之后,司机打来电话,称Boxley先生遗落了一个小包在车上,而此时,司机已经载着另一位客人驶离机场了,Tommy担心小包中可能装了护照等贵重的物品,Boxley先生会很着急,便立刻和司机约定了他回城途中一个地方碰面,希望能在Boxley先生的飞机起飞前送还给他,同时Tommy立刻打电话给Boxley先生,但是电话却没有接通,Tommy又发了邮件给Boxley先生,希望能联系上Boxley先生。之后Tommy拿到了小包,马上打开了小包,里面装着Boxley先生的笔记本,还有他的金表!遗憾的是,直到飞机起飞Tommy也没能联系到Boxley先生。Boxley先生回到美国以后,才收到Tommy的邮件,Tommy在邮件中提出将包包快递给他,Boxley先生非常感激并留下了他的地址。Tommy在同事的帮助下,联系到了联邦快递。然而邮寄的过程并不顺利,联邦快递寄件服务需要提供客人的Fedex 账户,但是Boxley先生并没有快递账户。Tommy注意到客人留的联系地址美国洛杉矶的Garden Suite Hotel & Resort 酒店,并考虑到客人年时已高,不方便使用电脑。Tommy便联系酒店的Concierge让他们协助客人注册Fedex账号。

事情并没有结束,由于客人需要邮寄的手表因可能含锂电池属于Fedex航空运输危险品,联邦快递公司需要我们提供:航空运输物品非危鉴定书或者取出电池。为了鉴定,Tommy利用了自己的休息时间,去到了PIAGET在上海的专卖店,经过鉴定, Boxley先生的手表是不含锂电池的。最终,Tommy成功将小包快递给了Boxley先生。Boxley先生回了一封邮件,感谢所有帮助过他的员工,并且表示他一定还会再来。


Precious Watch

Mr. Boxley, a 90-year-old man who was a loyal frequent guest of our hotel, came back again. Club Concierge Tommy Tu met Mr. Boxley in Club. During conversation, Tommy noticed that the last time Mr. Boxley stayed in our hotel was six years ago. Then, Tommy accompanied Mr. Boxley to visit The Ritz Bar & Lounge which was newly renovated. Mr. Boxley was extremely pleased and he reminded the old time of our hotel. Meanwhile, Mr. Boxley mentioned his watch. It was a limited-edition PIAGET watch with high value which bought by his deceased wife. This watch means a lot to Mr. Boxley.

The guest usually came to Club and took a short rest. Tommy noticed that Mr. Boxley always took a note when he met something important. So Tommy gave him a pen and a notebook with our hotel logo as a gift. Before departure, Tommy came to the guest’s room to make sure there was nothing left behind. Then Tommy helped Mr. Boxley book a taxi to Pudong International airport. Thinking of the communication barrier between the driver and Mr. Boxley, Tommy left his phone number to the diver, and told the diver to call him anytime if needed. Later on, the diver called Tommy and said Mr. Boxley left a bag in the taxi. Tommy was worried that there might be something important in the bag and Mr. Boxley must be very anxious when he found the bag was lost. Therefore, Tommy made an appointment with the diver and rendezvoused the location, hoped he could send the bag to Mr. Boxley before take-off. At the same time, Tommy Called Mr. Boxley immediately, but the phone did not get through. Then Tommy sent an e-mail to the guest. When Tommy got the bag, he found the notebook and the watch were all in the bag. Unfortunately he did not get in touch with Mr. Boxley till the fight took off.

Mr. Boxley replied the e-mail until he came back to the USA. Mr. Boxley was totally appreciated when he knew Tommy would deliver the bag back to him by express. Then the guest gave his address to Tommy. Tommy contacted Federal Express rapidly. However the process was not smooth. Since it needed the guest’s   Fedex ID, but Mr. Boxley did not have the Fedex ID yet and he was not convenient to use computer. Tommy noted that the contact address was Garden Suite Hotel & Resort in LA. Tommy contacted the Concierge in that hotel, asked them to help Mr. Boxley register a Fedex ID.

The story was not ended yet. Due to the watch may have lithium battery which was a kind of dangerous goods. The Federal Express needed Tommy to provide an identification to prove the watch was safe. Thus, Tommy used his off time went to PIAGET Store. After identifying, Mr. Boxley’s watch did not have lithium battery. Finally, Tommy delivered the bag to Mr. Boxley successfully. Mr. Boxley sent an e-mail for appreciating all the ladies and gentlemen in Club who had helped him, and promised that he would come back again.

First class to Tommy for building strong relationships and create Ritz-Carlton guests for life.

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