Wow Story



Call Centre

May Qi

1月12日晚上,电话服务中心经理May Qi接到来自2913房间的高先生的电话,高先生想要一些冰块。在电话里May听见高先生小声的呻吟声。经过交流,May得知原来高先生在下午出门会见客户的路上把脚给崴了,现在非常疼痛想要一些冰块冷敷一下。可是酒店只有冰块,并没有现成的冰袋。于是May自己动手,用塑料袋装了一袋冰,亲自送到了高先生的房间。May发现高先生的脚确实肿了起来,May非常担心,建议高先生去医院检查一下。可是高先生经过了一天的奔波已经非常疲劳,不想马上去医院。于是May把自己的联系方式给了高先生,让他需要帮助,随时和她联系。




Whenever and Wherever

In the evening on January 12th, Call Centre Supervisor May Qi received a phone from Mr. Gao, who stayed in room 2913. The guest asked for some ice cubes. During the conversation on the phone, May heard that Mr. Gao moaned for a while. Out of concern for the safety of the guest, May prudentially asked the guest whether he needed help. After communication, May noted that Mr. Gao’s ankle was sprained by accident when he was on the way to meet his customer. Now he wanted to use ice cube to relieve the pain. However, there was no prepackaged ice in our hotel. Therefore, May used plastic bags to pack ices and immediately sent it to the guest. May was worried since she found that Mr. Gao’s ankle was badly swollen, and she suggested Mr. Gao to go to hospital directly. But after long day’s work, Mr. Gao was extraordinarily tired and he did not want to go to hospital right away. Later on, May left her contact number and told the guest to contact her whenever he needs help.

Next day, May received a message from Mr. Gao which said the condition of his ankle was still bad and it caused acute pain. Mr. Gao expressed that he wanted somebody to accompany him to go to hospital since he barely knew the surroundings.  Without hesitation, May gave up her off day and accompanied Mr. Gao to the hospital. After checking, the doctor applied the ointment for Mr. Gao, and said that if they came for treatment late, Mr. Gao would be hospitalized for a period.

Mr. Gao felt better with the treatment, and he appreciated May profoundly for registration, picking up the medicine and waiting. He could not image what would happen without May’s help. Mr. Gao said that when he came back to Shanghai, he would choice The Portman Ritz-Carlton again because May gave him an excellent experience.

First class to May for owning and immediately resolving the guest problems!

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