【An Interview with JJ Teacher】 阅读与语言学习(附访谈音频)


Keep going, keep studying, and eventually, youx26#39;ll get to the promise land of being a fluent English reader....


在上周的推文中,我们提到原版书阅读是学习外语的一大捷径。在语言学习中,为什么阅读很重要?我们应该怀着怎样的心态阅读外文书籍呢?JJ Treehouse来自英国的Paul老师分享了他的见解。

Q: Why do you think reading is important to English learning?

A: I think reading is important because it gives you the structure and processes that most authors use. And you can use that structure and process to extrapolate or recreate language when you are speaking.



Q: So what type of reading do you like the most?

A: My favorite author is George Orwell. But, there’re many different types of authors, many different types of genres. A good realistic novel or an autobiography is probably my favorite.


答:我最喜欢的作家是George Orwell。阅读分很多不同的体裁,不同的作者有不同的风格。我比较喜欢一些反映现实的,或是自传型的小说。

Q: What do you best recommend for students at JJ Treehouse?

A: My favorite book recently has been Animal Farm, by George Orwell. It’s a very good reading, and has many good levels. George Orwell is one of the most influential writers in the 20th century, because not only did he shape modern society in the West, he also prevented certain outcomes from happening from his power of writing. This is a very accessible book. So I would recommend that book.

问:你最推荐给JJ Treehouse 学生的阅读是什么?

答:我最近最喜欢的书是George Orwell的《动物农场》这本书。这是一本很经典的书,适合各个英语水平的学生阅读。George Orwell是20世纪最有影响力的作家之一,因为他不只塑造了现代西方社会的思想观念,也用他写作的力量防止了一些历史事件的发生。《动物农场》是一本同学们很容易能够买到并阅读的书,所以我推荐它。

Q: Do you think some reading techniques are really important while reading?

A: Reading techniques… The only one I know that has been useful was speed reading. That’s being able to read much more quickly by reading the basic snapshot of the sentence. I think it’s a useful skill, but I would say that [it’s less about] techniques and more about enjoying the reading. If you actually enjoy reading the book, your imagination can run wild. That’s more important for reading rather than any technique you can use.



Q: What else do you want to say to the students at JJ Treehouse about English reading? Anything [will do]. Any interesting stories or any recommendations?

A: I would say that with the amount of information that’s on the internet now, reading has never been as cheap as it is now and has never been as widely accessible as it is now. And also, with English novels and literatures more than any other languages’ I’ve known, learning English is a privilege and joy and unlocks a whole new world of information for you. So just keep going, keep studying. And eventually, you’ll get to the promise land of being a fluent English reader.

问:你还想对JJ Treehouse 的同学说什么吗?



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