观海 内部控制定义(下)(INTOSAI GOV 9100)(中英对照)












Provides reasonable assurance

No matter how well designed and operated, internal control cannot provide management absolute assurance regarding the achievement of the general objectives. Instead, the guidelines acknowledge that only a “reasonable” level of assurance is attainable.

Reasonable assurance equates to a satisfactory level of confidence under given considerations of costs, benefits, and risks. Determining how much assurance is reasonable requires judgment. In exercising that judg-ment, managers should identify the risks inherent in their operations and the acceptable levels of risk under varying circumstances, and assess risk both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Reasonable assurance reflects the notion that uncertainty and risk relate to the future, which no one can predict with certainty. Also factors outside the control or influence of the organisation can affect the ability to achieve its objectives. Limitations also result from the following realities: human judgment in decision making can be faulty; breakdowns can occur because of simple errors or mistakes; controls can be circumvented by collusion of two or more people; or management can override the internal control system. In addition, compromises in the internal control system reflect the fact that controls have a cost. These limitations preclude management from having absolute assurance that objectives will be achieved.

Reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of internal control should not exceed the benefit derived. Decisions on risk responses and establishing controls need to consider the relative costs and benefits. Cost refers to the financial measure of resources consumed in accomplishing a specified purpose and to the economic measure of a lost opportunity, such as a delay in operations, a decline in service levels or productivity,or low employee morale. A benefit is measured by the degree to which the risk of failing to achieve a stated objective is reduced. Examples include increasing the probability of detecting fraud, waste, abuse, or error; preventing an improper activity; or enhancing regulatory compliance。

Designing internal controls that are cost beneficial while reducing risk to an acceptable level requires that managers clearly understand the overall objectives to be achieved. Otherwise, government managers may design systems with excessive controls in one area of their operations that adversely affect other operations. For example, employees may try to circumvent burdensome procedures, inefficient operations may cause delays, excessive procedures may stifle employee creativity and problem solving or impair the timeliness, cost or quality of services provided to beneficiaries. Thus, benefits derived from excessive controls in one area may be outweighed by increased costs in other activities.

However qualitative considerations should also be made.

For example, it may be important to have proper controls over high risk/low monetary unit transactions such as salaries, travel and hospital-ity expenses. The costs of appropriate controls might seem excessive for the amounts of money involved relative to overall government expendi-tures, but they may be critical to maintaining public confidence in gov-ernments and related organization.




















Achievement of objectives

Internal control is geared to the achievement of a separate but interreated series of general objectives. These general objectives are implemented through numerous specific sub-objectives, functions, processes, and activities.

The general objectives are:

•executing orderly, ethical, economical, efficient and effective operations

The entity’s operations should be orderly, ethical, economical, efficient and effective. They have to be consistent with the organisation’s mission.

Orderly means in a well-organised way, methodical.

Ethical relates to moral principles. The importance of ethical behaviour and prevention and detection of fraud and corruption in the public sector has become more emphasized since the nineties. General expectations are that public servants should serve the public interest with fairness and manage public resources properly. Citizens should receive impartial treatment on the basis of legality and justice. Therefore public ethics are a prerequisite to, and underpin public trust and are a keystone of good governance.

Economical means not wasteful or extravagant. It means getting the right amount of resources, of the right quality, delivered at the right time and place, at the lowest cost.

Efficient refers to the relationship between the resources used and the outputs produced to achieve the objectives. It means the minimum resource inputs to achieve a given quantity and quality of output, or a maximum output with a given quantity and quality of resource inputs.

Effective refers to the accomplishment of objectives or to the extent to which the outcomes of an activity match the objective or the intended effects of that activity.

• fulfilling accountability obligations

Accountability is the process whereby public service organisations and individuals within them are held responsible for their decisions and actions, including their stewardship of public funds, fairness, and all aspects of performance.

This will be realized by developing, maintaining and making available reliable and relevant financial and non-financial information and by means of a fair disclosure of that information in timely reports to inter-nal as well as external stakeholders.

Non-financial information may relate to the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of policies and operations (performance information), and to internal control and its effectiveness.

• complying with laws and regulations

Organisations are required to follow many laws and regulations. In public organisations laws and regulations mandate the collection and spending of public money and the way of operating. Examples include the Budget Act, international treaties, laws on proper administration,accounting law/standards, environmental protection and civil rights law, income tax regulations and anti-fraud and corruption acts.

•safeguarding resources against loss, misuse and damage due to waste, abuse, mismanagement, errors, fraud and irregularities

Although the fourth general objective can be viewed as a subcategory of the first one (orderly, ethical, economical, efficient and effective opera-tions), the significance of safeguarding resources in the public sector needs to be stressed. This is due to the fact that resources in the public sector generally embody public money and their use in the public inter-est generally requires special care. Moreover budgetary accounting on a cash basis, which is still widespread in the public sector, does not pro-vide sufficient assurance related to the acquisition, use, and disposition of the resources. As a result, organisations in the public sector do not always have an up-to-date record of all their assets, which makes them more vulnerable. Therefore, controls should be embedded in each of the activities related to managing the entity’s resources from acquisition to disposal.

Other resources such as information, source documents and accounting records are the key to achieving transparency and accountability of gov-ernment operations, and should be preserved. However they are also in danger of being stolen, misused or destroyed.

Safeguarding certain resources and records has even become increas-ingly important since the arrival of computer systems. Sensitive infor-mation stored on computer media can be destroyed or copied, distributed and abused, if care is not taken to protect it.

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