Place to Hang out on Weekend —— Muma Cafe 周末约在哪儿——木马森林咖啡馆



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What is a cafe for? Drinking coffee? It must be more than that, especially in China, where having coffee is totally a foreign thing.


Among numerous cafes in Chongqing, there is ONE special homey cafe,Muma Cafe, 木马森林 (mumasenlin) in Chinese, located at 11-22 Building C Hondin International, 红鼎国际C座11-22 in Chinese, next to H&M in Paradise Walk.


What can we do there? Having coffee, of course. Besides that, good-looking, tasty and good quality beverage and desserts are also served here.


After having good food and drink, it is time to take photos/selfies and/or be taken photos with the beautiful set-up!


With all these things to do in this cozy and homey cafe, beauties are easily to be found here. Thus, a benefit for guys coming here could be coming across pretty girls. Hey, guys! Get your asses here and have nice talks with the pretty girls hanging out in Muma Cafe!


Besides being a place to meet people, Muma is also available as a party place with a reservation.


You think you have known all about Muma? No, no, no. Muma is also a place you can share and learn something.


For more details of Muna Cafe, please contact 
Yoyo: 18623357999
Tina: 15823091561 
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