Chair Yoga - The Iyengar Style



Chair Yoga 瑜伽椅课程 - Iyengar Style 艾扬格风格

For beginner students, chair can help  to understand the aligment in the asana practise. For advanced students, chair can help to deepen our practise.  So this class is for everyone. The asanas are choosen from Iyengar yoga intro level I and II and a small part from Junior 1,2. Based on the original asanas, we practice them with the modification with chair. It covers the standing pose (stading forward extention and twist); inversions; Sitting pose(forward extention and twist); back bends and abdominals; restorative pose.



About Teacher:

You Qi is a certified yoga teacher, and mother of 2 . Her class is Iyengar style and usually in both Chinese and English. You Qi has been practicing Yoga for over a decade and in her exploration has traveled across the globe and attended many Teacher trainings all of which add to her versatility as a teacher and interpreter. You Qi started learning Iyengar style yoga since 2002 while she was living in Dubai. Now she is still continuously studying intermedia level of Iyengar yoga. She travels abroad to attend senior teacher’s workshop and teacher’s training annually.  For her own teaching, she is not only focusing on the alignment of the posture, but also synchronizing correct breathing with asana movement. She emphasizes the importance of developing enduring safe yoga practice. Through yoga practice, we bring health and stillness to our physical body and our mind。You Qi teaches yoga basic, Yoga Alignment, Flow yoga, Yoga therapy, Restorative yoga, kids yoga, prenatal and postnatal yoga.


尤琪老师是一位具有认证的瑜伽教师,教授艾扬格风格瑜伽课程。她的课程通常为双语教学,她还是一位2个孩子的母亲。尤琪 从2000开始练习瑜伽,2002年开始练习艾杨格瑜伽,2004年参加艾杨格瑜伽TTC.在过去十几年她到世界各地探索旅行,并在不同国家参加大师培训课程,所有这一切造就了她成为一名优秀的瑜伽教师兼瑜伽培训课程翻译。尤琪的教学不仅注重体式的准确,而且将呼吸与体式的运动相结合。尤琪教学的重点在于营造一个科学和安全的瑜伽练习,着重从身体和意识的觉醒开始去探索自我。擅长教授基础瑜伽,瑜伽顺位,理疗瑜伽,流瑜伽,康复瑜伽,孕妇瑜伽和儿童瑜伽。

Program Schedule 课程时间安排

Day:Every Wed,Sun / 每周三,日

Time: 10:00 - 11:30am 

Course starts on Apr 3rd, 2016. 


Fee 费用

Non Member 非会员

Single Class :250RMB

10 Classes :1800RMB

Member 会员

Single Class :200RMB

10 Classes :1500RMB




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