4 Reasons You Should Join The Workshops





Yoga workshops are structured completely differently from yoga classes.  Practice is combined with plenty of time devoted to explanation, demonstration, questions, and discussion.


4 Reasons you should join the workshops:

1. Focus 专注

Most of our workshops focus in on a specific set of postures (balancing, inversions, arm balances, etc). In a regular yoga class, you might get the chance to work on these specific postures for five or ten minutes, and even if you come to class regularly, you could go weeks between headstands! How do you grow in your practice when you only “see” it for a few minutes every couple of weeks? Workshops are the answer.  You will take the in-depth learning you’ve gained in workshop and increase your satisfaction with your regular yoga practice.


2. Questions 提问

Workshops are specifically designed to invite and encourage questions. Of course you can ask questions in a regular yoga class, but with time limitations, teachers can’t break it down further. In a workshop, the instructor’s goal is to answer all of your questions using words and demonstrations until you feel equipped to move into the posture more comfortably.、


3. Approaches 方法

If a teacher has a difficult posture planned in class they’re likely to use other postures prepare the body (and mind) for the “peak” pose. But given the structure of a regular class, teachers might get you into the posture using only one approach or set of instructions or props.  In a workshop, though, teachers have less limitation.  They can pull out every trick, tip, and approach they know with the understanding that different people benefit from different approaches.. More workshop students who absolutely “could not” do a headstand or a side crow until the second or even third go-around were surprised to find that when a specific arm position or set of props was introduced, it made it not only possible, but enjoyable!


4. Fun 趣味

Teachers love workshops and have a lot of fun preparing for them: investing hours going back over notes, studying other teachers, and putting together just the right sequence of preparatory poses for the day.  The fun they have getting ready for your workshop is evidenced in their excitement and enthusiasm for sharing what they’ve discovered, and you can’t help but have a good time.  Workshops are designed to build community and friendship among students and teacher through the process of diving deeply into shared interests, laughing and encouraging each other when they don’t quite “get it,” and sharing the experience of achieving something you didn’t think was possible… whether that "something” is an inversion or just a sense of gratitude for what you gave your body on that day.


Stay tuned for the latest news on MAIN YOGA's weekend workshops...

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