



       都说“一入股市深似海,从此工资是路人”,可见股市有风险,投资需谨慎,然而总有一些人一次又一次勇敢地踏进去。大部分人还是宁愿安安分分的上班有份稳定的薪水,但也不乏有人偏好追求更大的获利机会,从下海经商,创业,到投资股票,买彩票等,尽管这些都存在着全盘皆输的风险。在这个问题上,来自光遗传学之父Karl Deisseroth实验室的 Zalocusky 等人最新的研究发现驾驭一群特定神经元的活动能够使追求风险的动物转变为做风险中性的决策。





研究人员将药物直接传送到大鼠的伏隔核(nucleus accumbens),发现给与大鼠药物普拉克索会导致剂量依赖性的风险追求决策的增加,与人类临床数据相一致。伏隔核位于基底核与边缘系统交界处,是基底前脑的一个较大的核团,在大脑的奖赏, 快乐, 成瘾, 恐惧等活动中起重要作用。Zalocusky等人选择性地靶标伏隔核中表达D2受体的神经元,并利用光遗传学技术对神经元活动进行调控。结果显示,当前一次选择的结果为损失时,下一次大鼠在做选择时伏隔核中D2受体表达细胞的活动普遍要比前一次是收益或者安全选择的结果要更强一些,动物表现为“风险厌恶”。此外,大鼠决定要选择安全选项时D2受体细胞的活动也比选择风险选项时要强些。然而,研究人员发现这些神经信号在大鼠中存在一些个体差异。有些大鼠在输掉前一次的赌博后D2受体细胞的活动没有明显变化,可说是“损失敏感性”(loss sensitivity)相对低一些,并且与行为学相吻合,这些个体继续“追求风险”。这些结果提示个体差异可能归因于伏隔核D2受体细胞的损失敏感性强弱不同,而这种区别可以用来预测动物的冒险偏好。有趣的是,在大鼠做决策期间刺激D2受体表达细胞可以减少冒险型大鼠的赌博行为,而同样的刺激对厌恶损失型大鼠没有影响。这些结果表明伏隔核的D2受体细胞的神经活动会影响动物决策期间的风险偏好。

      在行为金融学中,“厌恶损失”(loss aversion)被用于描述投资者按照自己的心理平衡尺度来做投资决策,绝大多数人对损失和获得的敏感程度是不对称的,即行为经济学“预期理论”提出的损失带来的痛苦远远大于收益给你的满足。当经历了损失时,人们表现为风险厌恶;当经历了收益时,人们则表现为风险追求。Zalocusky和同事的行为学分析数据表明个体在损失敏感性上的差异可能导致冒险偏好的不同,而一些神经元在特定时间点的活动将影响动物的决策行为。这项研究结果为损失厌恶及其对冒险态度的影响提供了潜在生物学解释。



论文标题:Nucleus accumbens D2R cells signal prior outcomes and control risky decision-making

原文摘要:A marked bias towards risk aversion has been observed in nearly every species tested1, 2, 3, 4. A minority of individuals, however, instead seem to prefer risk (repeatedly choosing uncertain large rewards over certain but smaller rewards), and even risk-averse individuals sometimes opt for riskier alternatives2, 5. It is not known how neural activity underlies such important shifts in decision-making—either as a stable trait across individuals or at the level of variability within individuals. Here we describe a model of risk-preference in rats, in which stable individual differences, trial-by-trial choices, and responses to pharmacological agents all parallel human behaviour. By combining new genetic targeting strategies with optical recording of neural activity during behaviour in this model, we identify relevant temporally specific signals from a genetically and anatomically defined population of neurons. This activity occurred within dopamine receptor type-2 (D2R)-expressing cells in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), signalled unfavourable outcomes from the recent past at a time appropriate for influencing subsequent decisions, and also predicted subsequent choices made. Having uncovered this naturally occurring neural correlate of risk selection, we then mimicked the temporally specific signal with optogenetic control during decision-making and demonstrated its causal effect in driving risk-preference. Specifically, risk-preferring rats could be instantaneously converted to risk-averse rats with precisely timed phasic stimulation of NAc D2R cells. These findings suggest that individual differences in risk-preference, as well as real-time risky decision-making, can be largely explained by the encoding in D2R-expressing NAc cells of prior unfavourable outcomes during decision-making.



论文标题:Overriding Phasic Dopamine Signals Redirects Action Selection during Risk/Reward Decision Making

原文摘要:Phasic increases and decreases in dopamine (DA) transmission encode reward prediction errors thought to facilitate reward-related learning, yet how these signals guide action selection in more complex situations requiring evaluation of different reward remains unclear. We manipulated phasic DA signals while rats performed a risk/reward decision-making task, using temporally discrete stimulation of either the lateral habenula (LHb) or rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) to suppress DA bursts (confirmed with neurophysiological studies) or the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to override phasic dips. When rats chose between small/certain and larger/risky rewards, LHb or RMTg stimulation, time-locked to delivery of one of these rewards, redirected bias toward the alternative option, whereas VTA stimulation after nonrewarded choices increased risky choice. LHb stimulation prior to choices shifted bias away from more preferred options. Thus, phasic DA signals provide feedback on whether recent actions were rewarded to update decision policies and direct actions toward more desirable reward.



论文标题:Intact-Brain Analyses Reveal Distinct Information Carried by SNc Dopamine Subcircuits

原文摘要:Recent progress in understanding the diversity of midbrain dopamine neurons has highlighted the importance—and the challenges—of defining mammalian neuronal cell types. Although neurons may be best categorized using inclusive criteria spanning biophysical properties, wiring of inputs, wiring of outputs, and activity during behavior, linking all of these measurements to cell types within the intact brains of living mammals has been difficult. Here, using an array of intact-brain circuit interrogation tools, including CLARITY, COLM, optogenetics, viral tracing, and fiber photometry, we explore the diversity of dopamine neurons within the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). We identify two parallel nigrostriatal dopamine neuron subpopulations differing in biophysical properties, input wiring, output wiring to dorsomedial striatum (DMS) versus dorsolateral striatum (DLS), and natural activity patterns during free behavior. Our results reveal independently operating nigrostriatal information streams, with implications for understanding the logic of dopaminergic feedback circuits and the diversity of mammalian neuronal cell types.

来源: 脑科学与脑技术

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