【句容碧桂园学校中学部】别样的地理课 ----走出课堂,走近地理



9月27日,星期二,我们“出走”了,走出了课堂,走近了地理,8组同学带着提前做好了的问卷、计划,在这一天的下午向着碧桂园凤凰城出发了。On Tuesday the 27th of September, we ran away. We ran away from the geography class room and got a little closer to geography itself. 8 groups of students prepared questionnaires and set out for Phoenix City.


The content of our class focussed on urbanisation and resulting shifts of of people coming to and leaving the city. The week before, the teacher had us devise and decide upon our questions in the classroom. This is a skill which is necessary for external geography exams. Our topic was “Country Garden Sales Strategies” and we also surveyed the effect that the surrounding facilities, environment and school had had upon this land.


The whole process, from going into the sales office to finishing our survey, took close to 40 minutes. The salesman patiently presented to us, but as his speech was rather quick, our note-taking couldn’t keep up with him. We missed some details or couldn’t remember so clearly. From this we learnt to be efficient in our note-taking by focussing rather on the key points. After this investigation this member of staff stated how envious he was of us studying in this way. By taking geography outside of the classroom, the students’ learning was directly relevant to their lives.


Some of the other groups ran into some small problems. The group investigating the impact of the school on house prices were refused interview a number of times. Also the group looking into “Satisfaction with Facilities” dealt mainly with people who seemed not to know too much about it. There was one group who out of the 30 or so people they asked, only six or seven were willing to take part. A difficult task. This meant that the group had to constantly change location such as the central plaza and the mall. It was only in the canteen that they found a small number of people willing to accept interview. After all the questionnaires were filled in, our teacher asked us to use our evening study time to summarise our findings.

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