【职事英语】2016 SUMMER TRAINING week11-day2



请听朗读Outline 纲目

3. The building up of God’s dwelling place, the church, is a noble work to be done by all God’s people (1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 4:12, 16); however, the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill for this work must be God Himself as the Spirit to us (cf. Col. 1:28-29).

3 建造神的居所,召会,乃是所有神子民应当从事的尊贵工作;(林前三10,弗四12,16;)然而,作这工作所需的智慧、悟性、知识和技巧,必须是对我们成了那灵的神自己。(参西一28 ~ 29。)

4.Only the Spirit of God can build His own dwelling place through us—Zech. 4:6; Eph. 4:4a, 30.

4 唯有神的灵才能借着我们建造祂自己的居所—亚四6,弗四4 上,30。

5.To build up the church all the believers must know how to use the divine nature as the gold, the redemption of Christ as the silver, and God’s righteous judgment as the bronze (cf. 1 Cor. 3:12) as the materials for God’s work.

5 要建造召会,所有信徒都必须知道如何使用神圣的性情作为金,基督的救赎作为银,以及神公义的审判作为铜,(参林前三12,)作神工作的材料。

6. To cut stones for setting is to help the saints to be transformed into stones and to be adjusted to fit into God’s building.

6 刻宝石以便镶嵌,就是帮助圣徒变化成为宝石,并且受到调整适于神的建造。

7.To carve wood is to work on the humanity of the saints for the sake of God’s building.

7 雕木头乃是为着神建造的缘故,在圣徒的人性上作工。

8. To work in all kinds of workmanship is to produce finer virtues in human character with the uplifted humanity of Christ, which are needed for the building up of the church as God’s dwelling place—Eph. 4:2 and footnote.

8 作各样的工就是以基督拔高的人性,在属人的品性上产生优雅的美德,这是建造召会作神的居所所需要的—弗四2 与注。Morning Nourishment 晨兴喂养

Exo. 31:3-5 “And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and with understanding and with knowledge and with all kinds of workmanship, to fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and in silver and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for setting and in the carving of wood, to work in all kinds of workmanship.”

出三一3 ~ 5 “我也已经以神的灵充满他,使他有智慧,有悟性,有知识,能作各样的工,能设计奇巧的工,用金、银、铜制造各物;又能刻宝石,可以镶嵌,能雕木头,能作各样的工。”

If we would build God’s dwelling place, we must be a people filled with the Spirit of God. By our natural life and ability and in our natural man, we are not able to do this work. Nothing natural is capable of building God’s dwelling place. Only the Spirit of God can build His own dwelling place through us. We are the instruments, the means. The actual ability, capacity, strength, and power must be God Himself as the Spirit to us. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 1805)

我们若要建造神的居所,就必须是被神的灵充满的人。凭着我们天然的生命和能力,在我们天然的人里面,我们无法作这项工作。凡是天然的东西都不能建造神的居所。唯有神的灵才能借着我们建造祂自己的居所。我们乃是工具、凭借。真实的才干、能力、力量和权能,对我们必须是成了那灵的神自己(出埃及记生命读经,二○七三页)。Today’s Reading  信息选读

According to Exodus 31:3, this filling up with the Spirit of God involves four matters: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and workmanship....This skill, this workmanship, involves knowledge. But it is not sufficient to have only knowledge; we also need understanding and wisdom.


It is possible for us to have knowledge without understanding....You may know all the verses used in a particular message...and may even be able to recite many of them, [but] if you put all the verses together, you may not have any understanding of them. For the understanding of the verses, you need to listen to the ministry of the Word. However, we may have both knowledge and understanding of verses, but still not have any revelation concerning them....But as a minister of the Word continues to open the Word to you, you eventually begin to see what is revealed in the verses being considered. This is a matter of wisdom.


The way of doing something is equal to the wisdom required for doing it. The Lord Jesus once said that He is the way (John 14:6), and Paul says that Christ is our wisdom (1 Cor. 1:30). By putting these verses together, we see that wisdom and the way are one.


Knowledge is a vast field. Who can claim to know everything related to the building up of the church? It is impossible for anyone to have such a complete knowledge....Do you understand the significance of working in gold, silver, and bronze? Do you know how to cut stones for setting? Do you know how to carve wood? Do you know what it means in Exodus 35:35 to work in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen? The significance of all these matters has much to do with the building up of the church today. Elders, do you really know what sanctification is? Do you know what is the “wood” used in the building of God today? You may realize that wood signifies humanity, but do you know how to “carve” humanity?


Suppose a brother and sister in the church are having a difficult time in their married life....Do you...really understand their problem? You may know much about them, but...you may not understand the reasons for the situation and the inner causes...[or] the influence of their background....Perhaps some elders would be able to understand the problem of this married couple. However,...they may not have the wisdom to help this couple grow in life and gain more of Christ.


In order to build up the church, the elders need knowledge, understanding, and wisdom....[Not only elders but] all the saints of all ages...may be like Bezalel, Oholiab, and the wise-hearted ones to whom God has given wisdom (31:6)...[to] have a part in building the most noble structure in the entire universe—God’s dwelling place. We all need to realize that the noble work of building up the church is for every one of us.


We all need to treasure the Lord’s speaking concerning the building up of His dwelling place, the church...[and] see our need to be filled with the Spirit of God in knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and workmanship so that we may do the noble work of building. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1805-1806, 1808-1811)


Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 170


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