【职事英语】2016 SUMMER TRAINING week11-day4



请听朗读Outline 纲目

C. The workers of the tabernacle need to be wise in heart, receive wisdom, understanding, and grace from God, and be stirred up in their heart to do the noble work of building up the church, God’s dwelling place on earth—Exo. 36:1-2; Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 3:9-10; 15:10, 58; cf. 2 Chron. 1:10; 1 Cor. 14:4b:

三 制作帐幕的人需要心中有智慧,从神得着智慧、悟性和恩典,并且心中受感,好从事建造召会的尊贵工作,就是建造神在地上的居所—出三六1 ~ 2,太十六18,林前三9 ~ 10,十五10,58,参代下一10,林前十四4 下:

1. If we would build God’s dwelling place, we must be a people filled with the Spirit of God—Exo. 31:3.

1 我们若要建造神的居所,就必须是被神的灵充满的 人—出三一3。

2. In order to be filled with the Spirit of God, we need the willingness to do something for God’s building (v. 6b; cf. Mal. 3:14, footnote 1), we need to abandon our natural capacity, and we need to empty ourselves to have the absolute openness to God in prayer (Matt. 5:3).

2 我们要被神的灵充满,就需要乐意为神的建造作些事情,(6 下,参玛三14 注1,)并且我们必须放弃天然的才干,还必须在祷告里倒空自己,向神完全敞开。(太五3。)

3. Every day and all the time we need to be freshly filled with the Triune God through prayer; the Christian life is a life of prayer; if we are short of prayer, we will be short of the Spirit—Col. 4:2.

3 我们天天、时时都需要借着祷告被三一神新鲜的充满;基督徒的生活乃是祷告的生活;我们若缺少祷告,就会缺少那灵—西四2。

4. It is when we are willing and empty and continuously praying that we have the wisdom to work in the divine nature and to minister to the needy ones the particular Christ that they need for their growth in life and God’s building.

4 我们乐意、倒空、不住祷告的时候,就有智慧在神圣的性情里作工,将人所需要特别的基督服事给他们,为着他们在生命里的长大以及神的建造。Morning Nourishment 晨兴喂养

Exo. 31:6 “And now, I Myself have appointed with him Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the heart of all who are wise in heart I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded you.

出三一6 “我已经亲自分派但支派中,亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯与他同工;凡心中有智慧的,我已赐他们心中有智慧,能作我所吩咐你的一切。”

36:2 “And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every man who was wise in heart, in whose heart Jehovah had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart lifted him up to come to the work to do it.”

三六2 “凡耶和华赐他心中有智慧,而且心中受感前来作这工的,摩西把他们和比撒列并亚何利亚伯一同召来。”

[Exodus 31:6b and 36:2] indicate that all the builders of the tabernacle were wise in heart. They all received wisdom and understanding from God. Here there is no mention of knowledge. It is common for people to have knowledge, at least in a general way. But what is needed for the work of building is wisdom and understanding, not only knowledge. If we have wisdom and understanding, we shall be persons wise in heart.


In order to do the work of building up God’s dwelling place, we need to be filled with the Spirit of God in knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and workmanship. We also need to learn how to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in the carving of wood. The building work includes those of both high estate and low estate. What we need now is to become wise in heart, receiving wisdom and understanding from God, and to be stirred up by our heart to do the noble work of building up the church, God’s dwelling place on earth today. (Lifestudy of Exodus, pp. 1818-1820)

要作建造神居所的工作,就需要被神的灵充满,有知识,有悟性,有智慧,能作各样的工。我们也必须学习如何用金、银、铜制作各样物件,刻宝石以便镶嵌,并且雕木头。建造的工作包括高阶层和低阶层的人。如今我们所需要的,就是心中有智慧,从神得着智慧和悟性,并且心中受感,好从事建造召会的尊贵工作,就是建造今天神在地上的居所(出埃及记生命读经,二○八六、二○八八页)。Today’s Reading  信息选读

[Although] you have the willingness to do something for God’s building,...you must realize that your natural capability has to be altogether abandoned....God treasures your willingness, which He initiated, but your capability—what you can do, what you know—in God’s estimation means nothing. If you will reject your ability, this abandonment will give God the ground to come in and fill you. First you need the willingness; then God needs your openness.


God will use only you, not what you have or can do. Therefore, you must empty yourself. To empty yourself means to have an absolute openness to God....What part of you needs to be unloaded? Your capability, your knowledge, your wisdom, your education. It is only when you are empty that God can come in to fill you. When God fills you, it is His Spirit who fills you.


Even real experiences of the church life have to be emptied out. Every day, all the time, you and I in the leadership of the churches need to be freshly filled with the Triune God.


We [also] need...the instant, constant prayer....If we are able to do things, we do not need to pray much. We have confidence, we have knowledge, we have a way, we have ability, we have strength: we are certain we can handle the situation. We need to empty ourselves, knowing that whatever we can do is not counted; it is not only rejected but even condemned by God. Whatever the old man can do is condemned by God. We have to realize this. Then we shall see our need of God and will pray constantly and instantly.


Whenever we have been emptied and are in a prayerful spirit, if we stand up in the church meeting, we are aware, and all the other saints are also aware, that we are living, fresh, and rich. Other times we may stand up and share a lot, but the congregation has the feeling that it is from the old man, that it is empty. When we contact others, we may speak the same word, talk about the same point, but sometimes there is a result and other times it is lifeless. It is when we are willing and empty and continuously praying that we have the wisdom to work in the divine nature and to minister to the needy ones the very Christ they need, not just minister in a general way.


The crucial lack is this continuous prayer....You are short of prayer, so you are short of the Spirit. It is when you are fully condemned in your prayer [of the many things that need to be dropped] that you receive wisdom and the real understanding of the Lord concerning the situation, concerning people, and concerning the church. (Practical Talks to the Elders, pp. 81-82, 84-85)


Further Reading: Practical Talks to the Elders, ch. 7


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