【职事英语】2016 Spring Training week4-day5



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III. In 2 Corinthians 3:5 and 6 there are two different sources of service:

叁 在林后三章五节和六节有事奉两种不同的源头:

A. These two sources are ourselves and God—v. 5:

一 这两种源头, 一个是“ 自己”, 一个是“神”—5 节:

1. “Ourselves” in verse 5 is joined with “letter” in verse 6, and “God” in verse 5 is one with “Spirit” in verse 6.

1 五节的“自己”与六节的“字句”是相联的,而五节的“神”也与六节的“灵”是一体的。

2. Serving God by the letter is actually serving God by ourselves, and serving God by the Spirit is serving God by God Himself.

2 凭着字句事奉神,就是凭着自己事奉神;凭着灵事奉神,就是凭着神事奉神。

3. Just as the service by the letter is the service in ourselves and from ourselves, so also the service of the Spirit is the service in God and from God.

3 凭着字句的事奉,怎样就是在自己里面,出于自己的事奉;凭着灵的事奉,也怎样就是在神里面,出于神的事奉。

B. There are only two kinds of services with two kinds of sources:one kind of service is by the letter and from ourselves, and the other kind is by the Spirit and from God—vv. 5-6:

二 只有两种事奉,分别出于两种源头:一种是凭着字句的,是出于自己的;一种是凭着灵的,是出于神的—5 ~ 6 节:

1. The service that is from ourselves takes ourselves as its source, and it is performed by us according to the ordinances and rituals of the letter;it can be carried out by us outside of God and independently of God,without any need to rely on God, seek God, or have fellowship with God.

1 出于我们自己的事奉,是以我们自己为源头,是我们自己凭着字句的规条或仪式,而作出来的;是我们在神以外,向神独立,不用倚靠神,不用寻求神,不用和神有交通,就能作出来的。

2. The service that is from God requires us to rely on God, seek God,fellowship with God, be in God, and absolutely take God as our source—John 15:5; Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6:

2 出于神的事奉,要求我们倚靠神,寻求神,和神有交通,在神里面,并绝对以神为源头—约十五5,罗十一36,林前八6:

a. This kind of service is from God’s revelation, relies on the Holy Spirit of God, and is for God’s purpose—Eph. 1:17; 3:3-5; Col. 1:9.

a 这种事奉乃是出于神的启示,靠着神的圣灵,也是为着神的目的—弗一17,三3 ~ 5,西一9。

b. This kind of service requires us to live in the spirit and by the sense of the spirit, walking according to the leading of the Spirit—Rom. 8:4.

b 这种事奉需要我们活在灵里,凭着灵的感觉而活,随着那灵的引导而行—罗八4。

C. The service that is from God requires us to have fellowship with God and not be detached from God—1 John 1:3; John 15:5; 1 Cor. 1:9; 6:17:

三 出于神的事奉是必须和神有交通的,是不能和神脱节的—约壹一3,约十五5,林前一9,六17:

1. Serving God requires a moment-by-moment, fresh contact with God.

1 事奉神,每时每刻都需要和神有新的接触。

2. Every service that is from God and pleasing to Him is carried out by contacting and touching Him; we serve Him while contacting Him—Rom. 1:9; 7:6.

2 每一个出于神,能蒙神悦纳的事奉,都是和神接触,而摸着神的;都是一面接触着神,一面事奉神—罗一9,七6。

3. If we serve outside of God, regardless of whether it is by our zeal or anything else, our service is not from God and therefore has no spiritual value.

3 我们在神之外,无论凭着我们的热诚,或是凭着我们别的东西,所有的事奉,都不是出于神的,所以都没有属灵的价值。

4. A service that is from God and has spiritual value must be one in which we are joined to God and in fellowship with Him by abiding in Him—1 Cor. 6:17; 1 John 2:27-28:

4 一个出于神,有属灵价值的事奉,必是我们和神联合,住在祂里面和祂有交通—林前六17,约壹二27 ~ 28:

a. On the one hand, He operates within us, and on the other hand, we serve Him outwardly—Rom. 1:9; 7:6.

a 一面是祂在我们里面运行,一面是我们在外面事奉祂—罗一9,七6。

b. This kind of service is an activity issuing out of God’s operation within us; outwardly we are serving Him, yet inwardly He is operating.

b 这种事奉,乃是神从我们里面运行出来的一个举动;从外面看,是我们事奉祂,但就里面说,是祂在那里运行。Morning Nourishment 晨兴喂养

2 Cor. 3:5-6 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God,who has also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant,ministers not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

林后三5 ~ 6“并不是我们凭自己够资格将什么估计作像是出于我们自己的;我们之所以够资格,乃是出于神;祂使我们够资格作新约的执事,这些执事不是属于字句,乃是属于灵,因为那字句杀死人,那灵却叫人活。

[Second Corinthians 3:5 and 6 each] mention two different sources. The two mentioned in verse 5 are “ourselves” and “God,” and the two in verse 6 are “letter” and “Spirit.” Although these two verses speak of four sources, it does not mean that our service has four different sources. These four sources are actually only two. The first two sources are embodied in and joined with the latter two. Just as “ourselves” is joined with “letter,” so “God” is also one with “Spirit.” Just as serving God by the letter is actually serving God by ourselves, so also serving God by the Spirit is serving God by God Himself. If we intend to serve God by ourselves, we must serve by the letter. Likewise,if we intend to serve God by God Himself, we must serve by the Spirit. (The Spirit and Service in Spirit, p. 105)

〔林后三章五至六节〕每一节都提到两个不同的源头。第五节所提的,一个是“自己”,一个是“神”;第六节,一个是“字句”,一个是“灵”。虽然这两节圣经提出四个源头,但这不是说,我们的事奉有四种不同的源头。这四个源头,实在就是两个。头两个是在后两个的里面,是和后两个相联一体的。“自己”如何与“字句”是相联的,“神”也如何与“灵”是一体的。凭着字句事奉神,怎样就是凭着自己事奉神;凭着灵事奉神,也怎样就是凭着神事奉神。要凭着自己事奉神,怎样就必须凭着字句;要凭着神事奉神,也怎样就必须凭着灵(灵与灵的事奉,一三○页)。Today’s Reading  信息选读

Just as the service by the letter is the service in ourselves and from ourselves, so also the service by the Spirit is the service in God and from God.Therefore, there are only two kinds of services with two kinds of sources.One kind of service is by the letter and from ourselves, and the other kind is by the Spirit and from God. If our service is not from the first source, then it is from the second source, and if it is not from ourselves, then it is from God.Or conversely, if it is not from God, then it is from ourselves. Besides these,there is no third source.


We do not have time to closely examine these two sources of our service.We can only consider one of these two: the service which is from God. This kind of service is not from ourselves or by ourselves, and of course, it is also not for ourselves. Rather, it is from God and by God, and certainly it is also for God. The service which is from ourselves takes ourselves as its source, and it is performed by us according to the ordinances and rituals of the letter. It can be carried out by us outside of God and independently of God, without any need to rely on God, seek God, or fellowship with God. But the service which is from God is not like this! It requires us to rely on God, seek God, fellowship with God, be in God, and absolutely take God as our source. This kind of service is not from man’s wisdom, does not rely on man’s power, and is not for man’s pleasure. Rather, it is from God’s revelation, relies on the Holy Spirit of God, and is for God’s purpose. Hence, it requires us to live in and by the spirit. We must reject the mind, emotion, and will of the soul and live in the spirit and by the sense of the spirit, walking according to the leading of the spirit. Only then can we have fellowship with God and receive His revelation to render the service which is from God, which takes God as its source, which relies on God, and which is for God.


This kind of service from God requires us to have fellowship with God and not be detached from God. In order to have this kind of service, we must be in fellowship with God; we cannot act independently of God, God and we being separated. Every service that is from God and pleasing to Him is carried out by contacting and touching Him. We serve Him while contacting Him. We cannot stand apart from Him and lose touch with Him. If we serve outside of Him, regardless of whether by our zeal or anything else, our service is not from Him and therefore has no spiritual value. A service which is from God and has spiritual value must be one in which we are joined to God and in fellowship with Him by abiding in Him. On the one hand, He operates within us, and on the other hand, we serve Him outwardly. Therefore, this kind of service is an activity issuing out of God’s operation within us. Outwardly, we are serving Him,yet inwardly He is operating. (The Spirit and Service in Spirit, pp. 105-107)


Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, msg. 8


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