有准备的环境 A prepared environment




"Children are not born into the natural environment, but into a civilized environment, where adults live in. This is a strange environment, which adults reconstruct  the natural environment to make it easy to adapt and the life more convenient. However for the newborns those need to transform their survival mode to another way it will be quite difficult for them to adapt to it…… "


Only the educational environment, that was based on the children’s requirement in the childhood and really was designed for education can help children overcome the difficulties in the process of the physical and psychological growth. Only this kind of environment can be called a prepared environment which aims to promote children's development needs and to help children achieve independence.

很多参观过蒙特梭利教室的父母都感叹教室中孩子们有序的活动和积极主动的工作状态以及每个忙碌着的孩子脸上自信的表情,当然,也有因为教室中孩子的自律而心生疑虑的:这样的孩子是如何培养的? 是否教室中有严格的纪律?

Many parents those have already visited the Montessori classroom are surprised by children’s orderly activities, active working status and the confident expression on children’s face in the Montessori environment. Of course, some will be curious about children’s discipline: How are these children educated? Are there any strict rules in the environment?


Here we will briefly discuss two characteristics about how the Montessori classroom helps children learn independence.



1. Free choice 
According to the needs of children, a lot of materials are prepared for children in  the Montessori environment to help them develop movement, life skills, sense of  refinement, mathematical logic thinking, language and culture as well as other aspects. These materials are showed in children’s activity space in beautiful, complete and open form, to let children in different stages choose appropriate materials freely.



2. Repeated operation
Sometimes children tend to repeat the same work and this strong desire makes children immersed in their work. Repeated operation let children feel the power and independence and feel satisfied. In fact, if children can repeat a work, it means children are able to put their attention on this point, and this state is called concentration. This focused attention makes children achieve one inner power, which is called the power of control, because children can not only control their behavior, but also the material world outside of themselves. Thanks to the repeated exercise, children have slowly formed ability of self-control and self-consciousness, namely choose the lifestyle of self-training freely, which is also the foundation of the second phase.


From the freely choice of work, to repeated operation, then to the challenging of  new works, this process happens for children in the Montessori classroom more than once, it will become a cycle and repeated again and again to help children development in the direction of perfection and independence.

    关注 半岛幼儿园


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