Chris的中国之行—来自他的博客 (I)



来中国参加2016澳大利亚周·中国的普利斯设计集团执行董事Chris Isles不仅在苏州举办的国际智慧城市论坛上发表了主旨演讲,还应邀出席了活动周的新闻发布会,并就中澳自由贸易协定所带来的利益发表了他的看法。

Chris was asked to be involved in the press conference as part of Australia Week in China 2016 as the Australian subject matter expert on Smart Cities – and also to provide comment on the benefits or the Free Trade Agreement between China and Australia. He presented a speech on topics as Australian best practice planning and innovation around Smart Cities at International Smart Cities Forum, AWIC 2016.


During his trip in China, he visited lots of places and wrote down his thoughts in light of an urban planner.


Day 1 – A Day of Contrasts


I travelled 200km from Shenzhen to Guangzhou today, to see a leading project which despite the rhetoric and perceptions about China, the ‘uber-density’ and ‘ghost cities’ actually epitomise what I think is ‘world  leading’ development and city building – and China is doing exactly that.

这次机会真的很好,能与我们的客户Springfield Land Corporation一起来参加2016澳大利亚周·中国的活动,为我们下一阶段的合作汲取新的灵感。这个项目目前正在进行“城市阶段”的规划。Springfield有一个高速铁路的站点,高密度的公寓和别墅,围绕着世界级高尔夫场地的住宅和未来的商业中心等设施都在规划中。

It is a truly great opportunity to be embarking on the ‘Australia Week In China 2016’ (AWIC2016) with client, Springfield Land Corporation to garner insights and inspiration for our next phase of work together, leading the ‘urban phase’ planning of Springfield in a project anchored by a high speed rail metro station, and everything from high density apartments and villas, through to houses all centred around a world class golf course and future commercial centre.


The drive from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, contained the population of Australia within that distance, and the drive was done on an elevated roadway the whole time. With more than 200km of world-class transport infrastructure, never once were the words, ‘value capture’ mentioned.


The end of our day trip was the Canton First Estate project, being developed by client, New World and designed by Place Design Group. A rare opportunity to see one of our signature projects in China, but beyond any nepotism, I would happily say this project is up there with some of the best urban environments I have seen, with many lessons here on ‘density done well’. Yet there is no doubt that in this 200km trip, there would be some places which would certainly be challenging places to live in terms of personal amenity and lifestyle – many examples demonstrating the sheer challenge of accommodating mass urbanisation at such a rapid pace. It is crazy to think that Shenzhen, where I started today (a metropolitan area of some 18m people) was only ‘created’ in 1980. So this city has literally been created within a 30 year period.


But I can’t help to reference the development and density against my Australian frame of reference, and our perceptions and views towards density.


For us it is arguably a lifestyle choice to live in vertical housing, but for how long will that choice exist? When will we accept that our old models of housing are not sustainable.


And who could argue with the average Australian, because the reality of much of the high rise apartments we are creating in Australia and certainly a lot of those delivered in my home town of Brisbane during our recent ‘apartment boom’ would sit uncomfortably.


Our tower by tower, one project at a time, without a thought to the precinct and environment we are creating in the ground plane – which is what anchors the buildings, and provides the human connection for people – is seemingly being forgotten about in so many Australian projects.


And it is here that the Canton First Estate project, and so many of the better projects here in China can teach us some critical lessons, in the value of the public realm, private space and the reverence with which to treat the grounds and spaces around our projects.


I believe that these projects have nailed the challenge of converting the masses to vertical living by proving that their public realm and semi-private shared spaces are better than they can get in any other form of housing. Ultimately, the apartment is just four walls, and can be anywhere, but the environment on theground is what truly matters. I think this is something that’s not even part of the design or development psyche in Australia as yet.


I believe if we are to convert the masses to an urban, or at least a more urban housing choice (and for them to willingly accept this as a lifestyle choice), then we may need to re-learn so much of our approaches to how we are creating and delivering projects.


Whilst in Australia building height is always an emotive topic, China proves, that multiple, taller, yet smaller tower footprints leave significant areas for public and semi-private grounds. These are treated with an absolute reverence, and resort style, quality landscape architecture approach which delivers the green and lush grounding for those towers, but importantly the respite and retreat from the urban life of their residents.


It is hard to refute the evidence, that this form of urbanisation far out-weighs our common Australian fear of height in lieu of big, squat, and site cover consumptive apartment buildings which occupy vast amounts of sites and provide tokenistic shared space at best – most often on that part of the site that we couldn’t figure out what to do with.


Perhaps if we can overcome this battle, we can convert the masses to a greater concept of density done well.


Chris Isles在规划和开发领域有超过15年的专业经验,目前他是普利斯设计集团董事、规划部门的负责人。他领导着普利斯设计集团全球规划创新的方方面面。在澳大利亚昆士兰州,Chris是规划方案和规划政策可行性及商用性测试的先驱;现在,他重点关注诸如住房负担能力、基础设施费用、住宅多样化、社区总体规划以及以公交为主导的开发等重要议题上的策略规划工作。他勤于笔耕、广泛演讲,主要的涉及的主题为以公交为主导的开发、基础设施费用和规划改革。目前,他是昆士兰州城市开发学会的副主席,并获得了2015澳大利亚规划学会年度规划师的称号。

Chris is a Director of Place Design Group and leader of their Planning Sector with over 15 years’ experience in the planning and development industry. Chris leads international planning innovation through every facet of the organisation. He has pioneered the feasibility and commercial testing of planning schemes and planning policy work in Queensland and recently has focussed his strategic planning work on key issues such as housing affordability, infrastructure charges, housing diversity, master planned communities and transit orientated development. He is a regular writer and speaker on topics such as TODs, infrastructure charges and planning reform and is currently Vice-President of UDIA Queensland and was awarded the Planner of the Year Award by the Planning Institute of Australia in 2015.

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