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Americans can eat eggs without feeling guilty, according to new nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. government.


A person can eat as many eggs as they like each day, the updated guidelines say. One large chicken egg has about 186 milligrams ofcholesterol(胆固醇), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Most of that is in the yellow center, or theyolk(蛋黄).


________________________________________________(请把这句话听写下来,然后回复20160324查看答案).Two eggs would be more than the daily limit.


The guidelines were issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services.


The government guidelines are issued every five years. It is designed to help set nutritional standards for school lunch programs and federal food aid.


The new guidelinescautioned(警告;劝某人小心) that “individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible.”


In the past, guidelines have led to reduced sales and hurt agricultural markets. In 1977, the guidelines recommended avoiding cholesterol. That recommendation led to a decline in egg sales.


Other tips to stay healthy included advice to limit intake of sugars to 10 percent. Saturated fat calories found in red meat, butter, cheese, whole milk and ice cream should be limited each day to 10 percent.


The guidelines also suggested Americans move away from a diet full of animal protein andsodium(钠). The guidelines promoted eating more fruits, vegetables and nuts.


The government has long recommended eating breakfast each day as a way to stay fit. The latest guidelines do not recommend that breakfast is necessary.


Some arecritical(批评的,吹毛求疵的) of the new guidelines. Mayo Clinic's Dr. Donald Hensrud told Time magazine that the new recommendations do notaddress(重点提出) weight management. Hensrud also mentioned that the recommendations failed to note the positive reports of how coffee decreases the risks of diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

也有人对新指南持批评态度。梅约诊所的Donald Hensrud医生告诉《时代周刊》:新的健康指南并未强调体重管理。Hensrud还提到指南也未提到咖啡有益于降低患糖尿病和老年痴呆的风险的正面报道。

Harvard professor and physician Walter Willett wascandid(坦率的,直言相告的) in his observations.

“This is a loss for the American public, and a win for big beef and big soda,” Willett said.

哈佛教授及医生Walter Willett直言不讳:“这将是美国公众的损失,也是大块牛肉和大杯苏打水的胜利。”

“The problem isn’t just that the public gets misleading,censored(审查过的) information, but that these guidelines get translated into national food programs. ... This then gets directly translated into unnecessary premature deaths, diabetes, and suffering … of course this goes on to mean greater health care costs for all. It is all connected.”



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