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Chinese Zhou Ritual Vessel

Bronze gui, found in western China(1100-1000BC)
from 策马翻译(上海分部)

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How often do you dine with the dead? It may seem a strange question, but if you’re Chinese it may not be quite so surprising, because many Chinese, even now, believe that deceased family members watch over them from the other side of death and can help or hinder their fortunes. When somebody dies they are equipped for burial with all kinds of practical bits and pieces: a toothbrush, money, food, water – or possibly today a credit card and a computer. The Chinese afterlife often sounds depressingly (perhaps reassuringly) like our own. But there is one great difference: in China the dead are paid huge respect. A well-equipped send-off is just the beginning. Ritual feasting – holding banquets with and for the ancestors – has been for centuries a part of Chinese life.

This spectacular bronze vessel, made about 3,000 years ago, is called a gui. Gui often carry inscriptions which are now a key source for Chinese history, and this bronze is just such a document. This one is about the shape and size of a large punch bowl, about a foot (27 centimetres) across, with two large curved handles. There is an elaborate, flower-like decoration on bands at the top and bottom, but its most striking features are undoubtedly its handles, each of which is a large beast, with tusks, horns and huge square ears caught in the act of swallowing a bird whose beak is just emerging from its jaws. The result is a vessel which at that date could have been made nowhere else in the world. The sheer skill, the effort and expense involved in making bronze vessels like these made them immediately objects of the highest value and status, fit therefore for the most solemn rituals.

If you look inside the gui there is a surprise, which makes it into an instrument of power as well as an object of ritual. At the bottom, where it would have normally been hidden by food when in use, there is an inscription in Chinese characters, not unlike those still used today, which tells us that this particular bowl was made for a Zhou warrior, one of the invaders who overthrew the Shang Dynasty. The inscription tells us of a significant battle in the Zhou’s ultimate triumph over the Shang:
The King, having subdued the Shang country, charged the Marquis K’ang to convert it into a border territory to be the Wei state. Since Mei Situ Yi had been associated in effecting this change, he made in honour of his late father this sacral vessel.

Gui like this have been found over a wide swathe of China, because the Zhou conquest continued to expand until it covered nearly twice the area of the old Shang kingdom. It was a cumbersome state, with fluctuating levels of territorial control. Nonetheless, the Zhou Dynasty lasted for as long as the Roman Empire, indeed longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history.


1. deceased  adj. 死亡的,已故的

2. watch over  注视,照管,监视

3. hinder  v. 阻碍,打扰

4. burial  n. 埋葬

5. bits and pieces  零零星星的小物件,小碎片

6. afterlife  n. 来生

7. send-off  n. 送行,送别,葬礼   

8. ritual feasting  盛宴

9. inscription  n. 题词,铭文,刻印

10. punch bowl  大酒杯

11. band  n. 带,环,边沿

12. flower-life  adj. 如花般的

13. beak  n. 鸟喙,鹰钩鼻

14. sheer  adj. 绝对的,透明的,陡峭的

15. warrior  n. 武士

16. subdue v.  征服,抑制,克制,减轻

17. swathe  n. 包装品,带子,绷带   v. 包围,紧绑,裹

18. cumbersome  adj. 笨拙的,累赘的,难处理的

 补充词汇:1. cultural relic(s)  文物

2. national treasure  国宝

3. unearth  v. 出土 

4. preserve/protect  v. 保护

5. identify  v. 鉴定

6. counterfeit; fake; shoddy substitute  赝品

7. World Cultural Heritage List  世界文化遗产名录

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