






Sutton Hoo Helmet

made seventh century AD

found in Suffolk, England

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The discovery of this object – a helmet – was part of one of the great archaeological finds of modern times. It speaks to us across the centuries, of poetry and battle and of a world centred on the North Sea.

At Sutton Hoo, a few miles from the Suffolk coast, one of the most exciting discoveries in British archaeology was made in the summer of 1939. Uncovering the tomb of an Anglo-Saxon who had been buried there in the early 600s, it profoundly changed the way people thought about what had been called the ‘Dark Ages’ – those centuries that followed the collapse of Roman rule in Britain.

It was in this grave ship that the famous Sutton Hoo helmet was found, together with an astonishing range of valuable goods drawn from all over Europe: weapons and armour, elaborate gold jewellery, silver vessels for feasting, and many coins. Nothing like this had ever been found before from Anglo-Saxon England. It is the helmet of a hero, and when it was found, people were at once reminded of the great Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf.

The Sutton Hoo grave ship, with its cauldrons, drinking horns and musical instruments, its highly wrought weapons and lavish skins and furs, and not least its hoard of gold and silver, was evidence that Beowulf, far from being just poetic invention, was a surprisingly accurate memory of a splendid, lost, preliterate world.

The very idea of ship burial is Scandinavian, and the Sutton Hoo ship was of a kind that easily crossed the North Sea, so making East Anglia an integral part of a world that included modern Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The helmet is, as you might expect, of Scandinavian design. But the ship also contained gold coins from France, Celtic hanging bowls from the west of Britain, imperial table silver from Byzantium and garnets which may have come from India or Sri Lanka.These discoveries force us to think differently, not just about the Anglo-Saxons, but about Britain, for, whatever may be the case for the Atlantic side of the country, on the East Anglian side the British have always been part of the wider European story, with contacts, trade and migrations going back thousands of years.


1. 重点词汇

helmet 头盔

archaeological 考古学的

find  n发现(通常是珍贵的物或者人)

The new secretary of yours is a real find. 你的新秘书真是一个难得的人才

speak of…讲述,论及

North Sea  北海,它是大西洋的边缘海,位于大不列颠岛以东,斯堪的那维亚半岛西南和欧洲大陆以北。

Sutton Hoo七世纪的皇家墓地,萨顿胡。

Suffolk :英格兰萨福克郡

uncover 揭开,发现,揭露

Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊,它的本意就是盎格鲁(Anglos) 和撒克逊(Saxons)两个民族结合的民族,是一个集合用语,通常用来形容五世纪初到1066年诺曼征服之间,生活于大不列颠东部和南部地区,在语言、种族上相近的民族。

profoundly 深刻地,深深地

Roman rule 罗马统治

collapse 崩溃 瓦解

grave ship 船葬墓地

armour 盔甲,铁甲

elaborate adj 精美的; elaborate on (v)详细阐述

silver vessel 银器


v 请客,设宴招待  feast one’s eyes on 欣赏,让某人一饱眼福

eg: We feasted our eyes on the colors of autumn landscape. 这秋天的五彩斑斓让我们一饱眼福

n 宴会,酒席 ; a feast for eyes 一饱眼福

remind…of 让某人想起

epic poem 英雄史诗

Beowulf :《贝奥武甫》:是英国在盎格鲁-撒克逊时代给我们留下的古英语文学作品中最重要的一部作品,他被称为"英国的民族史诗

take…for granted 认为…是理所当然的

essentially 从根本上说;从本质上讲

be set in…被设定…; 以…为背景

The film was set in the Tang Dynasty.这部电影以唐朝为背景

splendor 光辉,光彩,辉煌

cauldron 大锅

horn 角状容器  drinking horn 角状酒器

musical instrument 乐器

wrought weapon 锻造的武器  wrought 锻造的,制成的

lavish skin and furs 大量的皮草

not least…尤其是

hoard 【n】 贮藏,贮存; hoard of gold and silver 金银宝藏

poetic invention 诗歌创作



n 识字的人,受过教育的人;

adj 有读写能力的,精通文学的

illiterate 无知的;

n 文盲 引申:对…一窍不通 computer illiterate 电脑盲

Celtic 凯尔特人的

hanging bowls 悬碗 可以挂起来的碗

imperial 皇室的,皇家的

Byzantium 拜占庭

garnet 石榴石

Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡

may have done 表示对过去的推测 (类似还有must/might/would have done)

2. 补充词汇

秦始皇陵  Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

兵马俑  Terracotta warriors and horses; terracotta army

考古学家  archaeologist

考古  archeology

荷马史诗:Homeric epics







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