






在上海的一场活动中幼教专家回答家长的提问。从左至右: Ellen Birnbaum, Jacqui Pelzer, Lydia Spinelli 和 Nancy Schulman


(来自微信粉丝@耿光怡 的提问)
Nancy: The earlier the better. Learning a second language is a really wonderful thing for a young child and the younger you start, the better. But it also depends on how you do it. At Avenues, we start with children at three years old through immersion teaching. That’s not teaching children a language, it’s teaching them in a language. So the difference is: they go through their day, learning language as it is learned naturally – the way you would teach your child to speak Chinese. They’re just learning it naturally. If you take them to a class once a week, children don’t learn language that way. They learn it by being exposed to it and spending time in it. But when you start early, it’s very easy for them to do it. It’s much harder for them as they get older. It’s easy when you do it in an immersive way.



(来自微信粉丝@rose 的提问)
Jacqui: Expose them to a broad range of things.


Nancy: But things that they enjoy, as opposed to things that you choose for them.There’s a difference between wanting them to learn violin because you’re interested in them learning violin, and them being interested in music – exposure to music doesn’t shouldn’t mean taking music lessons at this age.


Ellen: That distinction at this age and stage of development is really important. Take music for an example: you shouldn’t send them for music lessons; you should play them music of all kinds and let them respond to the music and have fun with it. Or if it’s art, you should give them lots of art materials and go to a museum and talk about what you see with them, as opposed to going to a class at the age of three and four and having someone tell the child about it. These are two very different experiences.


Ellen: I think most importantly, you have to give children the time to play. And giving kids the materials that encourage them to play creatively: paper, scissors, crayons, markers, wooden blocks or any kind of building materials. Give them materials and just let them go. They will show you how they do it. Sometimes you should give them costumes and let them pretend to be someone else.


Nancy: Physical play, too, which helps with a child’s gross motor development.


Ellen: Yes, and outdoor play. Being outdoors, letting them play in playgrounds. It’s really important for children to run and climb and strengthen their bodies. In order to sit still at a desk, you need to have a very strong core – the middle of your body needs to be strong. We’re noticing in New York that a lot of children need to go to occupational therapy because they haven’t had time to strengthen those muscles. And play is fun. It’s just fun. It makes you happy just to watch them play. As a parent there’s nothing more fun than sitting on the floor with them and letting them engage you in their play.



南希·舒尔曼 | 纽约爱文早教中心主任
Nancy Schulman是爱文世界学校的创始人之一,担任双语沉浸式幼儿园负责人,这是美国最大的中文沉浸式课程。南希是早教领域极具威望的著名教育家、领导者和作家。1973年至1990年她任纽约霍勒斯曼小学的招生部主任兼教师,从1990年至2011年,她担任美国著名的第92街Y幼儿园园长,拥有在纽约市私立学校超过40年的工作经验。2007年,她与艾伦·伯恩鲍姆(Ellen Birnbaum)合作出版了《寻找合适的幼儿园》(华东师范大学出版社2010版),给家长剖析幼儿心理并分享实用智慧。

杰奎·佩尔泽 | Early Steps 项目主任
Early Steps 建于1986年,主要为纽约非白人家庭的孩子进入私立学校提供支持和帮助。这个项目对纽约教育的多元化做出了不可或缺的贡献。

在过去的 27 年里,杰奎·佩尔泽 (Jacqueline Y. Pelzer) 一直担任 Early Steps 项目的执行主任。此外,杰奎还有 22 年在多个公立和私立学校的教学和管理经验。

艾伦·伯恩鲍姆 | 纽约92街Y幼儿园园长
艾伦·伯恩鲍姆在第92街Y幼儿园任职长达30年。这所幼儿园建于1938年,它被《纽约时报》评为“竞争最激烈的幼儿园”之一。这个幼儿园强调动手能力、独立教育,以及家长和孩子之间的沟通。1981年艾伦以助教身份加入幼儿园,2011年6月开始担任幼儿园主任一职,在这之前,从1996年大2011年,她任幼儿园助理主任。她与Nancy Schulman携手著有《寻找合适的幼儿园:好妈妈的第一步教养规划》。

莉迪亚·斯皮内利 | 红砖教会学校校长
红砖教会学校 (Brick Church School)建于1940年,《纽约时报》的一篇关于“幼儿园中的常春藤”的文章中就提到了它。这个学校对不同年龄的学生采用不同的教学方法,它的生源也非常多元化。莉迪亚·斯皮内利 (Lydia Spinelli)从1983年以来就一直担任着红砖教会学校 (Brick Church School) 的校长一职。她也是 Early Steps 的理事,Early Steps的目标是让纽约私立学校的生源更具种族多样性。


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