演员招募丨浸入式戏剧《不眠之夜》Sleep No More




《不眠之夜》(Sleep No More)这部神剧从2011年纽约首演到现在的五年间,创造了场场爆满、拿奖拿到手软的业界奇迹。它将极高的艺术性和创新的娱乐性巧妙融合,成就了演出界的一部传奇性作品。在一幢六层楼的宏大剧场空间内,舞者们凭借发自内心、充满力量的舞蹈语言讲述莎士比亚的经典作品《麦克白》。

Since its premiere in 2011 in New York City, the award-winning production Sleep No More has been sold-out for the past five years and has became a miracle in theatre industry. It combines highest artistry and innovative entertaining elements, and emerges as a world-wide cultural phenomenon. In an epic, large scale building which spans several floors, the story of Macbeth is told through a visceral choreographic language of dance theatre.


Not far from now, fans in Shanghai will have the chance to enjoy this immersive theatrical experience. Punchdrunk, who created the show, warmly invites the most committed and talented contemporary dancers throughout China to join the team to explore this unique and game changing dance and acting style.

《不眠之夜》的编舞和导演马克辛•道尔(Maxine Doyle)率领纽约版本的副编舞康纳•道尔(Conor Doyle)此次来到中国,将在北京和上海两地寻找愿意打破陈规、热爱舞台与合作的专业现代舞者和演员。


Punchdrunk’s Maxine Doyle, Choreographer and Co-Director of Sleep No More, will be coming to China, with Associate Chroeographer Conor Doyle. They are eager to meet with contemporary dynamic dancers with strong partner skills and an interest in acting. She said, “I think dance can express humanity more directly than any other art form. It is one thing when someone says to you ‘I'm depressed’, but when you see someone grief stricken, or ecstatic, or in agony, you recognize their state immediately, before they say anything.”


About Sleep No More本剧改编自莎士比亚最阴暗的悲剧《麦克白》,融合了黑色电影的情节与风格。剧情设置在20世纪30年代的一座废弃酒店,观众没有固定的座位,只需戴上一个白色面具,就可以在整个剧场范围内任意走动,全身心“浸入”戏剧中:可以选择零距离接近表演的演员,也可以选择开启未知的暗门,在百余个场景布置精细程度堪比电影的房间内寻找线索,窥探《麦克白》的种种侧面。

Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More is adapted from Shakespeare’s Macbeth with elements from film noir, and set in an abandoned hotel in 1930s. Wearing a mask, audiences move freely through the epic world of the story at their own pace, choosing where to go and what to see, ensuring that everyone's journey is different and unique.

关于PunchdrunkAbout PunchdrunkPunchdrunk剧团是“浸入式戏剧”当之无愧的先驱。多次斩获戏剧大奖,致力于不断突破僵化的戏剧陈规,将“浸入式戏剧”的概念发酵,在令人称奇的剧场空间中构建戏剧性的叙事。他们的创作往往会将一个特定的场地扩大并重新布景,将其改造成剧中世界的模样。观众将自由地漫游其中——可以将它当作一场装置艺术来欣赏整个剧场而完全游离于演员之外,也可以将它视为一场即兴戏剧跟随演员四处奔跑。现在,这种戏剧形式已在美国流行开来。

Punchdrunk is an award-winning theatre company, specializing in the immersive experience of unexpected locations and dramatic narrative. The company's work is usually presented on an epic scale, staged inside vast, empty buildings transformed into the world of the performance.


About Casting DirectorsShangKAT美国音乐剧夏令营(11岁-18岁)开始报名啦!


百老汇经典音乐剧《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)60年来首次原版引进中国




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