既然的颜色 Colors of Nature



Paloma, Jenny and Jade 三人艺术展


Paloma 来自迷人的伊比利亚半岛西班牙,毕加索和弗拉明戈舞蹈的故乡,2013年巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝最佳设计师。Paloma多年来穿梭于世界各地找寻奇石和珠宝。她的设计充分利用原料的特性,使原石的自然色彩与设计和谐的融为一体,让每一颗宝石灼灼其华,大放光彩。佩戴Paloma的作品是生活的享受,艺术的升华。

Jenny多年生活在鲜花之国的荷兰,早年服务于跨国金融机构,后致力于油画艺术。作品多次被邀请参加各类展览,并于2014年入选第十二届全国美展。秉承文艺复兴始祖乔托及弗朗西斯卡湿壁画的风格,亦深受后印象派大师塞尚及博纳尔的影响,Jenny 钟情于在大自然中写生,亲身经历四季更替的色彩变换。她的油画色彩或者优雅秀丽,或者浓厚斑斓,笔划或者自由逸动,或者凝重苍劲。她的画有音乐的旋律,诗歌的节奏。




天行健                                       二零一六年五月北京

Nature not only provides mankind with all resources of living but also creates a world of colors that have charmed and inspired generations of artists, from our barbarian ancestors to the Renaissance masters, who have never stopped worshipping nature and its colors, and innovated all sorts of techniques to reflect and paint them on canvas. Today I am delighted to introduce three artists who specialize in different areas of art and have different art experience, but share common interests in pursuing the art of nature and colors, to exhibit their most recent works.

Paloma is from Spain, a country in the beautiful Iberian Peninsula and hometown of Picasso and Flamingo dance. Awarded as the Best Jewelry Designer at the 2013 Basel World Watch and Jewelry Exhibition, Paloma travels around the world to search for unique jewels and rare stones for her designing. Paloma’s works set the jewels and rare stones in a framework in perfect harmony of material and color to emphasize the uniqueness of the stones and boost the brightness of the jewel. Wearing a piece of jewelry designed by Paloma is experiencing the enjoyment of life and an elevation of appreciation of art.

Jenny had lived in Holland, country of flowers, for many years. She had served in international banks, and later decided to leave the financial world to pursue interests in painting. Jenny’s paintings have been shown in various exhibitions and selected for China’s 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts. Her paintings had impact from the pioneers of Renaissance, Giotto and Francisco and the influence of the post-impressionism masters Paul Cezanne and Pierre Bonnard. Jenny enjoys outdoor painting in nature while experiencing the change of colors brought by rotation of seasons. Her paintings exhibit a riot of colors, smelling the scent of elegance, emitting the light of joy, and imposing the force of strengths. Jenny’s paintings embody the tune of music and the rhythm of poem, revealing great artistic appeal.

Jade had lived for a long time in France, known as a country of romance. Benefiting from her job in tourism, Jade has the opportunities to travel to different continents with footsteps printed in over 50 countries. With a camera on her back, Jade has recorded the colorful landscapes of many countries, the lives of minorities, and their cultures and traditions. Jade’s photos have captured the stunning movements of nature and people, using her amazing photo-shot techniques, bringing unique perspectives of the world. Her works have demonstrated her love and care for the nature and land, and the indigenous people living thereon.

Although the three artists dedicate their work to different art areas, they are undoubtedly common in respecting nature and appreciating its beauty, working diligently to explore, record and paint the wonder of nature and color with their own hands and hearts. Today, when our society is on the edge of slipping into a virtual world (if not a world of void) I greatly appreciate the efforts of Paloma, Jenny and Jade, and I believe they will continue these efforts, to keep for us the unforgettable beauty of the true and realistic world.

Special thanks should go to the Western Returned Scholars Association of China for its generous support so that the art exhibition of “Colors of Nature” by Paloma, Jenny, and Jade can be shown at its headquarter, one of the three well-known imperial temples in the Qing Dynasty bordered by the Forbidden City that has over three hundred years of history.

 Tian Xingjian                May 2016, Beijing 

Paloma Sanchez

Jenny Dong

Jade Wei

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