HnR热点 还在考虑要不要给孩子买电动滑板吗告诉你究竟安不安全!






(By Kathleen Doheny)亚当(Adam Collelo) 觉得他给他的小儿子卢克(Luke)买了一件最酷的生日礼物:一个新上市的价值499美金的电动滑板(也称为悬滑板)。

Adam Collelo thought he had bought his 12-year-old son Luke the coolest birthday present: a new $499 hoverboard.

看到卢克玩得时候这么开心,34岁的亚当也决定试一试。 “我站了上去,掌握了它的窍门,一切都很顺利”亚当说。

Luke looked like he was having so much fun that Collelo, 34, decided to give it a try. "I got on, got the hang of it, and everything was going good," says Collelo, of Milwaukee.

第二天,麻烦来了“我不知道我是过于自信,或者是什么,”亚当说。 “我想要玩点刺激的,把滑板腾空翻了起来,落地的那一瞬间,我全身感到一阵麻木“他说。 亚当的手臂严重肿胀,急诊室证实了他前臂骨头从肘部延伸到腕部的拇指一侧的骨头断裂了,“我可能会需要请假12个星期不能去工作”他说。

The next day, trouble struck. "I don't know if I was overconfident, or what," he says. "I kind of Super-manned off it and somersaulted.'' Upon landing, he says, "my whole body went numb." His arm was severely swollen. At the emergency room, they confirmed that he’d fractured his radius -- a forearm bone extending from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. "I'll probably need 12 weeks off work," he says.


And the hoverboard? He confiscated it, and plans to sell it and give Luke the money to buy himself another birthday present.

电动滑板 - 受伤和火灾

Hoverboard Injuries, Fires

在美国,亚当的故事并没有阻止悬浮滑板,也被称为电动滑板,成为今年最热门的礼物之一。他们看起来像赛格威(Sagways) 但没有把手,骑者需要在两个轮子中间的平板上保持平衡并前进。

Stories like Collelo’s haven’t prevented hoverboards, also known as electric scooters, from being one of the hottest new gifts this year. They look like Segways but without the handles. Riders balance on the platform and are propelled by two wheels.

但帕蒂·戴维斯(Patty Davis),美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)的发言人说,因为电动滑板而受伤的人在最近几个月变得越来越多。自2015年8月,该机构已接到相关的电动滑板急诊室伤害报告高达29份,并正在调查美国9个州中发生的至少10次火灾情况。

But Patty Davis, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), says injuries have become increasingly common in recent months. Since August 2015, the agency has received 29 reports of emergency-room injuries related to the hoverboards, and is investigating at least 10 fires in 9 states.


The injuries treated in emergency rooms include fractures, strains, sprains, contusions, lacerations, and head injury, she says.

该装置起火并炸毁了多个产品的报道也在各地有了大量的报道。美国最大的三家航空公司 - 达美,美联航和美国航空表示,他们将不再允许电动滑板出现在他们的飞机上,因为它们可能会引起火灾。纽约市也已经版本禁令,并出动警方进行对电动滑板的管制。亚马逊已经将某些型号的电动滑板车从它的网站下架。

Multiple accounts of the devices catching fire and blowing up have been reported around the country, too. The country's three largest airlines  -- Delta, United and American -- said they would no longer allow them on planes because they pose a fire hazard. New York City has banned them, with police citing an existing code against motorized scooters. And Amazon has pulled some models from its web site, reportedly asking manufacturers to prove their devices are safe to use.

美国消费品安全委员会1月20日说, 涉及悬浮滑板的火灾已经高达十几起,并称这将是一个“重点调查”。

The CPSC said Jan. 20 it was investigating "dozens of fires" involving hoverboards, calling it a "priority investigation."


Davis says the safety commission is looking at the entire line of hoverboard products. “There aren't any standards for these products," she says.


What the Doctors and Fire Marshals Say

巴瑟医生(Basil Besh,MD),作为美国学院骨科医生的一位发言人说,电动悬浮滑板会带来更大的伤害。骑手需要有很好的平衡性,因为并没有把手。而且该设备可以达到每小时12英里。骑手越快就会有越高的受伤的风险,巴瑟说。

Basil Besh, MD, a spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, says doctors are seeing more trauma injuries related to hoverboards. Riders need to have good balance on the devices, which generally don't have a handle. The faster riders go, the higher the injury risk, Besh says. The devices can go up to 12 miles per hour.

“常识来说,如果你打算使用电动悬滑板,你应该采取很多预防措施”他说。 最起码,他说,你需要戴好头盔,护膝和护肘。

"Common sense dictates if you are going to use a hoverboard, you ought to take the same precautions as you would for using a [non-motorized] scooter, bicycle, or roller blades," he says. That means, at the bare minimum, he says, wear a certified helmet plus knee and elbow pads.


In a bulletin released in early December, the National Association of State Fire Marshals noted that it has received many reports of injuries from the ''self-balancing scooters."

菲利普·奥克斯(Philip Oakes),美国国家消防协会发言人说, 如果家庭想购买一台悬滑板。请务必选择有信誉的来源购买,千万不要在充电时离开,以降低火灾的危险。 “这不像一个正在充电的电话,你可以不用管它”奥克斯说。

Philip Oakes, a spokesman for the National Association of State Fire Marshals, says the group urges caution if families want to buy a hoverboard. Buy from a reputable source, and never leave one unattended while it's charging, to lower the risks of explosions or fires. "It's not like [charging] a phone, where you wander off," Oakes says.


Other fire-marshal tips:




Wear the same safety gear as you would on a bike.

Don't text or operate a cell phone when riding the devices.

If you notice the device is very hot, check with the hoverboard maker or the retailer. It could mean the battery is faulty and needs replacing.


The American Academy of Pediatrics has no formal guidance or advice about the devices. It's not for Child under 13 years old.


By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Hansa D. Bhargava, MD

Nicolas Villalobos, marketing director, Swagway.

Patty Davis, marketing director, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Katherine Mahoney, VP, marketing, Razor USA.

Philip Oakes, spokesperson, National Association of State Fire Marshals.

Bulletin, National Association of State Fire Marshals, Dec. 3, 2015.

Basil Besh, MD, orthopedic surgeon, San Francisco Bay area; spokesperson, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Adam Collelo, 34, diesel technician, Milwaukee.

The Guardian.

USA Today.

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