美文欣赏丨真正的美丽(True Beauty)





A grandfather quipped① about his grandchildren: “My grandkids are four and six. The Pulitzer Prize② winner is four and the brain surgeon is six.”
Parents and grandparents are understandably proud of the quick minds and impressive talents of their little ones. But let me tell you about another quality, perhaps even more important, found in a little girl named Skylar.
I received a letter from a grandmother who told me about her four-year-old granddaughter Skylar. Ever since Skylar learned of Disneyland from TV, she saved her nickels and dimes③ in a piggy bank in the hope of visiting there someday. Her parents surprised her with a trip when she was four, however, and didn’t even require her to use her own money!
When Skylar returned it was Christmas time. She decided to buy presents with her savings. But she also learned from announcements on TV about a local homeless shelter called “The Road House”. She repeatedly asked her mother what “homeless” meant and why those children needed coats and warm clothes. She couldn’t seem to get the homeless off her mind.
Her mother took her to the store to buy presents. Instead of buying for herself or her family, however, she decided to purchase a warm coat, socks, gloves and crayons for a little girl in the shelter. She also wanted to buy a doll (a “baby”, as she called it), but when she discovered she didn’t have enough money, she left the doll behind.
When Skylar got home, she lined up her own much-loved “babies” and chose one she thought another child could also love. The baby went into a box with the other items she bought that day.
She could hardly wait for Christmas! Skylar was not thinking about Santa Claus or the presents she would be getting. She was thinking about going to the shelter and giving her carefully selected gifts to a homeless child.
On Christmas Eve, she and her family drove to the shelter where Skylar presented her Christmas box to a grateful little girl. She was so filled with joy at truly helping someone else, that her family decided to make the journey to the homeless shelter an annual tradition.
“Perhaps it’s good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart,”says Nobel laureate John Nash (A Beautiful Mind). Young Skylar has a beautiful heart. It is that quality,above all else, that makes beautiful people.









① quip v. 讲俏皮话;打趣

② Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖,又称普利策新闻奖,为美国新闻界的一项最高荣誉奖

③ nickels and dimes 分币和角币



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