


虹 光 日 记



Are  bikkhus and bikunnis from bodhhisattvas coming for rebirth?

(Are buddhist monks bodhhisattvas who came into rebirth?)

There are monk bodhhisattvas and lay bodhhisattvas. In the early buddha's time there was only monks.

Later mahayana bodhisvaras arose. What are bodhisvaras? There are two kinds: saint and common people.(ariya and anariya)

Wenshu, Guanyin, Dizang and Puxian are saint bodhisvaras. Common people with one mind of bodhhi heart becomes common bodhisvara.

Since it is only because of one mind of belief, they have neither merits nor virtues to have magical power.

Once this one mind and belief disappears, they become common people again.

All the ordained monks want to be bodhisvaras.Just like everyone likes to be boss. This is human nature just like water winds from higher place to lower place and birds flies high into the sky.

The soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Now monks who ask for being ordained also need bodhisvara cilla among three kinds of cillas.

So do they repeat the bodhisvara wish everyday to remind themselves like self hypnosis? I think so, because this is their ideal object. They repeat it day by day for ten years, twenty years or seventy years. And what result would come out? What do you think?

Surely they must have this self fulfilment for this kind of self hypnosis.

Nowadays people are used to watch monks with an inspecting attitude.

There are not so many difference in appearance between saints and normal people. When budhha was alive, there was also a monk named shanxing always showing disrespect. He regarded budhha as normal, since buddha also need to be a mendicant and eat like normal monks, so do shanxing monk.

We have unrational understanding for saints. We don't take them as normal people but godlike saints. So budhha did not allow his followers to show magical power.

Because once you shows magical power, others would take you as a  god.

I feel like that i am already like what buddha is, because my heart is with buddha. But i am still normal person, since i still need to eat, drink and go to toilet.

But i don't want this way of self hypnosis to find self fulfilment. I think buddha is nowhere different from normal, only when our awareness is there, we are with buddha already.

We should be like the rainbow which appears for one moment, only to show the moment for one sight , and then disappears forever.

May 30, 2016

By Master Hongguang



下午问答的时候,她的声音如淙淙流水,滔滔不绝诉说着烦恼。“我……”我……我……无数个我开头的“生气”评判等等烦恼。我让她把所有的我换成“佛”,再说她那些烦恼和问题。突然,她停住没法说了。又开口,我再让她换成“佛”,我说: 把你所有的“我”换成“佛”,看看你还有什么!她开始说“佛说佛还会对家人生气”……一看,不对。停下来了。

“我”一换成佛,不停歇的自我强化的烦恼,暂时熄灭。另一个学员回头对她说: 她就是让你说“我就是佛!”

第三次,她又要说她的烦恼。我问她:佛是什么? 她默然停下。另一个学员答:佛是心。我转而对她说: 好,你现在把我改成”心”,继续说你的烦恼和问题。她开始: 心说……就停下来了。

我让大家把手心放在心口。我说: 有回头看心,当下把烦恼心看看。一看,就空了。当下歇下。你就是佛。佛是没有我的啊。”我”死了,就作佛。


她还起心要说话: 我知道我在生活中还会有……,我也知道……

我用她换成佛的口说: 佛说……我唯一知道的就是我什么也不知道。








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