You are what you wear 相信我,你的衣服会说话



People always say:
"Apparel makes the man."


美国巴尔的摩的一家名叫“盛装打扮”(Sharp Dressed Man)的慈善制衣店,就用一件件体面的衣服,给很多迷茫的人带来了希望。

Sharp Dressed Man was founded in 2012 by a local businessman Christopher Schafer, and his son Seth, who are the owners of a custom clothing store - Christopher Schafer Clothier. They make high-end custom apparel for a living that usually priced at more than $1,200 and many of their customers always bring back old suits for donation.
盛装打扮是2012年,由当地商人Christopher Schafer和他儿子 Seth 带头开始的。父子二人经营一家定制服饰店——Christopher Schafer Clothier,出售高端定制服饰,售价通常在1200美金以上,许多顾客会将旧衣物带回店里捐赠。
When one client gave them second-hand custom suits with a value of $10,000 a few years ago, they began thinking of ways to make a difference.

Then Christopher met Howard Wicker accidentally who is the director of Living Classrooms. Living Classrooms is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering services for people released from prison. “If you ever need clothes, let me know.” Christopher said to Wicker.
后来Christopher无意间结识了生活教室(Living Classrooms)的负责人Howard Wicker。生活教室是专门为监狱释放人员提供重回社会帮助的非营利性组织。Christopher告诉 Wicker,如果他们需要衣服,就可以找他。
With the help of Living Classrooms, the father-son duo started fitting men who were just out of prison. According to Christopher, they never offer their guests anything worn, dated and anything unsuitable for an interview.

No matter the size, the Schafers always manages to fit every man who comes into their door in need of a suit. Some of these men are homeless, while others are trying to re-enter society after spending time in prison. They have achieved a success - they’ve managed to help several men out of prison to get new lives and re-enter society, like John Jones, one of the Schafers’ very first clients.
无论体型如何,Schafers父子总能设法为每位有需要的人提供合身的衣服。来找他们的,有流浪汉,也有刚出狱的人。他们成功地帮助了这些人获得了新生活。比如John Jones,就是他们最早的一批顾客之一。

After having spent about 30 years in prison, John managed to get himself a job interview through a reorientation program, but he needed help to make him look good for the big day. So he walked into Sharp Dressed Man.
在狱中待了30年的 John,出狱后通过帮助项目得到了一个工作面试机会。这对他而言很重要,他非常需要在那一天将自己打扮得整齐些,所以他去找了“盛装打扮”。

And he still remembered the moment he saw himself in his new suit. “I felt very proud, and it made me stand different, made me feel accomplished.” he said, “I felt like that I wanted to go out and conquer the world. They dressed me with decent suit and I finally got the job.”




* 以上英文内容来源于外网



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