【中英文对照03】抑制、症状与焦虑(第三章)-弗洛伊德INHIBITIONS, SYMPTOMS AND ANXIETY





(本篇中英文对照由清清风整理汇集;英文引自英标电子版P. 4294及稍后页码,中文引自车文博主编12卷本第9卷)
To return to the problem of the ego. The apparent contradiction is due to our havingtaken abstractions too rigidly and attended exclusively now to the one side andnow to the other of what is in fact a complicated state of affairs. We werejustified, I think, in dividing the ego from the id, for there are certainconsiderations which necessitate that step. On the other hand the ego is identical with the id, and is merely aspecially differentiated part of it. If we think of this part by itselfin contradistinction to the whole, or if a real split has occurred between thetwo, the weakness of the ego becomes apparent. But if the ego remains bound upwith the id and indistinguishable from it, then it displays its strength. Thesame is true of the relation between the ego and the super-ego. In manysituations the two are merged; and as a rule we can only distinguish one fromthe other when there is a tension or conflict between them. In repression thedecisive fact is that the ego is an organization and the id is not. The ego is,indeed, the organized portion of the id. We should be quite wrong if wepictured the ego and the id as two opposing camps and if we supposed that, whenthe ego tries to suppress a part of the id by means of repression, theremainder of the id comes to the rescue of the endangered part and measures itsstrength with the ego. This may often be what happens, but it is certainly notthe initial situation in repression. As a rule the instinctual impulse which isto be repressed remains isolated. Although the act of repression demonstratesthe strength of the ego, in one particular it reveals the ego’s powerlessnessand how impervious to influence are the separate instinctual impulses of theid. For the mental process which has been turned into a symptom owing torepression now maintains its existence outside the organization of the ego andindependently of it. Indeed, it is not that process alone but all itsderivatives which enjoy, as it were, this same privilege ofextra-territoriality; and whenever they come into associative contact with apart of the ego-organization, it is not at all certain that they will not drawthat part over to themselves and thus enlarge themselves at the expense of theego. An analogy with which we have long been familiar compared a symptom to a foreignbody which was keeping up a constant succession of stimuli and reactions in thetissue in which it was embedded. It does sometimes happen that the defensivestruggle against an unwelcome instinctual impulse is brought to an end with theformation of a symptom. As far as can be seen, this is most often possible inhysterical conversion. But usually the outcome is different. The initial act ofrepression is followed by a tedious or interminable sequel in which thestruggle against the instinctual impulse is prolonged into a struggle againstthe symptom.

In this secondary defensive struggle theego presents two faces with contradictory expressions. The one line ofbehaviour it adopts springs from the fact that its very nature obliges it tomake what must be regarded as an attempt at restoration or reconciliation. Theego is an organization. It is based on the maintenance of free intercourse andof the possibility of reciprocal influence between all its parts. Itsdesexualized energy still shows traces of its origin in its impulsion to bindtogether and unify, and this necessity to synthesize grows stronger inproportion as the strength of the ego increases. It is therefore only naturalthat the ego should try to prevent symptoms from remaining isolated and alien byusing every possible method to bind them to itself in one way or another, andto incorporate them into its organization by means of those bonds. As we know,a tendency of this kind is already operative in the very act of forming asymptom. A classical instance of this are those hysterical symptoms which havebeen shown to be a compromise between the need for satisfaction and the needfor punishment. Such symptoms participate in the ego from the very beginning,since they fulfil a requirement of the super-ego, while on the other hand theyrepresent positions occupied by the repressed and points at which an irruptionhas been made by it into the ego-organization. They are a kind offrontier-station with a mixed garrison. (Whether allprimary hysterical symptoms are constructed on these lines would be worthenquiring into very carefully.) The ego now proceeds to behave as thoughit recognized that the symptom had come to stay and that the only thing to dowas to accept the situation in good part and draw as much advantage from it aspossible. It makes an adaptation to the symptom - to this piece of the internalworld which is alien to it - just as it normally does to the real externalworld. It can always find plenty of opportunities for doing so. The presence ofa symptom may entail a certain impairment of capacity, and this can beexploited to appease some demand on the part of the super-ego or to refuse someclaim from the external world. In this way the symptom gradually comes to bethe representative of important interests; it is found to be useful in assertingthe position of the self and becomes more and more closely merged with the egoand more and more indispensable to it. It is only very rarely that the physicalprocess of ‘healing’ round a foreign bodyfollows such a course as this. There is a danger, too, of exaggerating theimportance of a secondary adaptation of this kind to a symptom, and of sayingthat the ego has created the symptom merely in order to enjoy its advantages.It would be equally true to say that a man who had lost his leg in the war hadgot it shot away so that he might thenceforward live on his pension withouthaving to do any more work.


In obsessionalneurosis and paranoia the forms which thesymptoms assume become very valuable to the ego because they obtain for it, notcertain advantages, but a narcissistic satisfaction which it would otherwise bewithout. The systems which the obsessional neurotic constructs flatter his self-loveby making him feel that he is better than other people because he is speciallycleanly or specially conscientious. The delusional constructions of theparanoic offer to his acute perceptive and imaginative powers a field ofactivity which he could not easily find elsewhere.


All of this results in what is familiar tous as the ‘(secondary) gain from illness’ whichfollows a neurosis. This gain comes to the assistance of the ego in itsendeavour to incorporate the symptom and increases the symptom’s fixation. Whenthe analyst tries subsequently to help the ego in its struggle against thesymptom, he finds that these conciliatory bonds between ego and symptom operateon the side of the resistances and that they are not easy to loosen.

所有这一切便导致了我们所熟悉的患了一次神经症之后的“(继发性)疾病获益”([secondary] gain from illness)。这种收获可以帮助自我尽力把症状结合进来,并增加症状的稳固性。当分析者以后试图帮助自我同症状做斗争时,他会发现自我与症状之间这些调解性的结果是在抵抗方面发挥作用的,而且它们的结合是不容易松动的。

The two lines of behaviour which the egoadopts towards the symptom are in fact directly opposed to each other. For theother line is less friendly in character, since it continues in the directionof repression. Nevertheless the ego, it appears, cannot be accused ofinconsistency. Being of a peaceable disposition it would like to incorporatethe symptom and make it part of itself. It is from the symptom itself that thetrouble comes. For the symptom, being the true substitute for and derivative ofthe repressed impulse, carries on the role of the latter; it continually renewsits demands for satisfaction and thus obliges the ego in its turn to give thesignal of unpleasure and put itself in a posture of defence.


The secondary defensive struggle againstthe symptom takes many shapes. It is fought out on different fields and makesuse of a variety of methods. We shall not be able to say much about it until wehave made an enquiry into the various different instances of symptom-formation.In doing this we shall have an opportunity of going into the problem of anxiety- a problem which has long been looming in the background. The wisest plan willbe to start from the symptoms produced by the hysterical neurosis; for we arenot as yet in a position to consider the conditions in which the symptoms of obsessional neurosis, paranoiaand other neuroses are formed.


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