



1,         简历。中英文的,各一个版本,务必精简,用学校的模板的即可,有相片,做个好心人,提前准备好,打印质量好点的。关于简历的细节网上有很多资料可以参考。

2,         着装。学校常穿的海员服即可,务必干净,穿着得体,精神点,最好提前一个星期理下发,这样面试时,比较自然且又精神。第一印象嘛还是很重要的。

3,         证书。相关文件的原件和复印件准备好,拿出你的诚意,下定了决心的首选的船东,直接拿原件,这样中介公司那关基本可以过了,他们其实就是怕优秀的学生挑来挑去,当然这也有一定的风险,自己看着办吧,看好了的公司,就下注吧,别挑来挑来去最后把自己剩了,没有所谓的好公司,上船快,工资过得去,尽快升三管才是硬道理,上船几年后的变数很大呢。

4,         先过中介关。中介的面试基本是中英混杂的面试,中文考查底子和态度,英文考查能力。夸的自己太优秀的,中介不敢要,因为这类基本有考研和考公务员的倾向,即使入了公司,最后中介也留不住的。如果你有心要跑船,即使你有很优秀的成绩,不妨适当的压压,我们班当时好几个尖子,别人一看他们的简历写的成绩,直接叫他们另谋高就,最后不得不压压成绩,才能进复试关得而去面试船东。独生子和沿海发达地区的问题,如果是,恰当造假,说个小大话不犯法的。独生子,很多中介很介意,认为其肯定跑船不会久,沿海嘛,家境太好,给人吃不了苦的印象,没必要跑船,总之,给中介的印象,你成绩中上,有上进心,家里有兄弟姐妹,家境困难,等着你跑船挣钱回家糊口,能吃苦,诚意足够,基本就过中介那关了。

5,         问题回答的准备。这个是过船东那关的关键。也是本文所写的重点。去哪家中介都差别不太,关键看船东,你所选的船东强势不强势,这个就像入学时一样,可能学校一般但专业强势,那就是宠儿了,如果学校不错,但你读的却是冷专业,是这个学校的陪衬专业,那情况可想而知了。当初我们总在挑中介公司,后来发现,选对船东才是王道。口碑好的船东公司,一般竞争是很激烈的,强势船东基本会所业业务分派到很多外派中介公司去,船东很聪明的。




1,问:Please briefly introduce yourself.

答:I’m grade to be here for this interview.Now I’ll introduce myself briefly.my name is Ling Jiyuan.I’m from GuangXi province ,which is located in south of China.My major is marine engineering and I’ll receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in July.I like sailing very much,to be a seaman I can both  travel around the world and make money at the same time.That’s all.Thank you.

2,问What courses have you learned during your studies.

答:During my 4 year studies in the DMU,I have finished some courses including some basic course and some special course.such as main engine ,vessel auxiliary engine ,engineering automation,engineering English and so on

The best course I like are the boat and raft operation comprehemsive operation

Because I can put the theoretics into practice

3,问Please name some types of vessels in the world

答:As we know there are a lot of kinds of vessel in the world.There are general cargo ship ,container ship,oil tank ship,passenger ship,ro-ro ship,chemical ship,and so on

4,问,How many department are there on the board?

答:As far as I know,there are two departments:the deck department,the engine deparment .

In the engine department,there are C/E ,2/E,3/E,4/E,E/E,fitter motorman,wiper.

When I work on board  the ship,there will be a member,engine cadet.

5,问What is a main engine? What are auxiliary engines? tell me the names of some auxiliary engines.

答:A M/E is the biggest and most important enginge on board ship which provides propulsion and power for the ship

Auxiliary engine generally refer to the generator .but, theoretically ,auxiliary engine include all those engine in the engine room other than the main engine.

Such as generator engine generator,emergency generator,life-boat engine,

Boiler ,F.W.generator,air compressor,refrigerate plant,air conditioner,fuel oil purifier,lube oil purifier

Incinerator,sewage treatment plant,oily water separator

Deck machinery:steering gear ,mooring winch,windlass,crane,


答:IMO:International Maritime Orgnization

ILO:International Labour Orgnization

SMS:Safety Management System

SMC: Safety Management Code

PSC:Port State Control

DPA:Designated Person Ashore

SSO:Ship Security Officer

SSP: Ship Security Plan

SSAS: Ship Security Alarm System

ISSC:International  Ship Security Certificate

ORB:Oil Record Book

CPP:Controllable Pitch Propellar

VIT:Variable Injection Timing

UMS:Unattend Machinery Space

USCG:US Coast Guards

FFE:Fire Fighting Equipment

LSA:Life Saving Apparatus

PPE:Personal Protective Equipment

Goggle,eardefender  helmet ,safetyboot ,glove,overall,mark,safetyharness

STCW:International Convention on Standards of Training,Certifications and Watch keeping for seafares

SOLAS:International Covention for the Safety Of Life at sea

MARPOL:International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ship

ISPS:International Ship and Port facility Security

SOPEP:the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

IOPP:International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate

ISM:International Safety Management Code

ISM目的:ensure safety of ship and crew and avoid demage to emvironment





7问Tell me something about Fire Fighting Equipment you know

答:fixed installations include fire hydrant,emergency fire pump,fixed CO2 release system,and international shore connections

Portable and hand push fire extinguishers:foam extinguisher CO2 extinguisher,dry power,

问:Three factors for combustion?

答:Oxygen ,heat ,combustibles

问:fire can be divided into four classes?对应所用灭火办法

答:class A :solid materials     A

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