竹林-白光——王永学 艺起艺术家





宿之四 纸上作品 105 x 105 cm 2011年 ¥16,000

Night No. 4, Works on Paper, 105 x 105 cm, 2011, ¥16,000
Paper is the most immediate and natural medium for me. I use pencils to draw lines, and wash these with watercolor. With the repetitious rubbing of graphite I create a grey space. Glue is used to fix the multiple layers of the painting until the work is complete. It takes me a month to execute each work.

Wang Yongxue

相形之惑 01 纸上作品 125 x 185 cm 2012年 ¥25,000

Appearances In Confusion 01, Works on Paper, 125 x 185 cm, 2012, ¥25,000


相形之惑 02 纸上作品 175 x 115 cm 2012年 ¥25,000

Appearances In Confusion 02, Works on Paper, 175 x 115 cm, 2012, ¥25,000
In the process, I focus on accumulation over time and explore the possibilities of the two-dimensional in an almost three-dimensional grey space. In both the complex and simple world, there are countless and diverse entities. What are the internal contradictions that lie between object and space? The contradictions may or may not have a concrete form and existence and are like the hidden tracks embedded in the lush forests and flourishing blossoms of the Asakusa Temple. Here, we are lead to eliminate the over elaborate and return to the essence.

Wang Yongxue

弄景系列之空巢 纸上作品 200 x 100 cm 2013 ¥25,000

Empty Nest, Works on Paper, 200 x 100 cm, 2013, ¥25,000


竹林白光系列 03 纸上作品 90 x 150 cm 2015 ¥28,000

Bamboo Forest In White Light 03, Works on Paper, 90 x 150 cm, 2015, ¥28,000
Since 2011, there have been major changes in my work – from the Thistle and Thorn series to the White Light series I have evolved from realism to abstraction, from the narrative to the non-narrative. I have returned to a more simple expression. Through this torturous process I have gained a deeper understanding and a greater confidence in my personal direction.  I am obsessed and adore the humdrum repetition of my art practice. Every artist has their own personal ideal and aesthetic that distinguishes their art. If the works are honest, they strike the heart and therefore are worth appreciating.

Wang Yongxue

青竹的灰度联系07 纸上作品 60 x 150 cm 2014 ¥14,000

Bamboo in grey 07, Works on Paper, 60 x 150 cm, 2014, ¥14,000

About The Artist
王永学 Wang Yongxue

出生日期 / Born: 1981

出生地点 / Hometown: 辽宁省 Liaoning Province, China当前住址 / Current City: 北京 Beijing, China近期展览 / Exhibitions :2015 嘭!OUT OF THE BOX,红门画廊,北京

2015 Peng! OUT OF THE BOX, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing

2015 《衍生之一》 参加 保利艺起来青年艺术家提名展,保利拍卖,北京农业展览馆,北京

2015  Art Up, Beijing Agriculture Museum, Beijing2015 《弄景系列之空巢》,《弄景系列之独角仙》,《浮生之一》参加链接——当代青年艺术提名展,悦美术馆, 北京7982015  Yue Fine Art, 798 Art District, Beijing

2014 《相形之惑之二》《青竹系列》参加 CIGE 第十届中艺博国际画廊博览会,作者画廊,北京国际会展中心,北京2014  CIGE, Author Gallery, Beijing International Exhibition Center, Beijing

2014 青年艺术家推荐计划—王永学,逸空间,国贸,北京

2014  Wang Yongxue Solo, Yi Art Space, Beijing

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  • Call Us: +86-010-6514 2561 (09:00—17:00)
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