四六级2016年四六级作文预测之 Chinese Fever in the World



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我们总会犯眼高手低的毛病,当你感觉自己能读懂一篇文章时,你不一定能把它落实在笔上写出来或者写好。写作的练习也很重要,如何提高英语的写作能力?自然是宇言君和大家提到过的10字真经绝招:翻译 背诵默写 仿写 积累


Directions:Write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of Chinese Fever in the World and then explain why so many foreigners are learning Chinese. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Learning Chinese Fever in the World
As isvividly portrayed

in the cartoon, there are two foreigners who are exchanging their ideas

of learning Chinese. Recently, with the fact that China infuences the

world greater and greater, learning Chinese fever hasarisen in the


There are many reasons

for thisphenomenon. First of all, the 5000-year-oldsplendid history of

Chinesecivilization is another aspectcounting for the highly increasing

number of students studying Chinese.Numerous foreigners have

stepped into this ancient land,appreciating Chinese culture. Besides,

China’s rapideconomic growth and especially its entry to the WTOattribute greatlyto the fever. More and more business people cast their

eyes on the Chinese market, and want to get more profit from it, which

largelyinspires theenthusiasm for learning the Chinese language.

Therefore, the world sees thebright prospect of China from the past years’ rapid and steady development and learning Chinese fever arises naturally.

Learning Chinese

fever is of great importance. On the one hand, it promotes

Chinese culture to the world. On the other hand, it helpsput an end to

the misunderstanding
of Chinese culture and facilitate the peace of the

world. (179words)
vividly adv. 生动地

portray v. 描绘

arise v. 产生

phenomenon n. 现象

splendid adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的

civilization n. 文化

count for 有价值,有重要性

numerous adj.许多的,很多的

appreciate v. 欣赏

attribute to... 把......归因于......

inspire v. 激励,激发

enthusiasm n. 热情

bright prospect 光明的前景

promote v. 促进

put an end to 结束

misunderstanding n. 误解
 ◆ ◆




方振宇:振宇英语创始人,振宇锐智掌门人,知名出版人,畅销书作者,英语测试学专家,全国多所高校英语辅导专家,权威出版社荣誉作者。新浪微博@方振宇责任编辑:周晨     投稿信箱:zhouchen@zhenglish.com
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