


Prager University 在油管上面的频道,五分钟传播一个小观点,上过我阅读课的小朋友看下,这些老师在说服读者的时候,都采取了什么样的方法?他们的方法是否有效?你同意还是不同意?下面的视频主要讨论了在美国男女工资是否平等的话题(Gender Wage Gap), 下次和歪果仁聊起这个话题的时候,不会没话说了~ 观看前,大家学一个新词:

patriarchy: noun

a society in which the oldest male is the leader of the family, or a society controlled by men in which men use their power to their own advantage:

Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.


(视频来源:Prager University)

在过去的一个多月,我们用零碎时间学习了如何选词,在接下来的几期,我们将着重学习英语的标点符号(Punctuation and Mechanics)的用法,这也是ACT英语部分的考点,不要小看标点,正是因为“小”,所以可以从标点符号的使用上看出一个人的英文素养,和英文打交道的读者们,请大家每次花点时间学习;每一期的文末,我们依然会对比讲解几个学生常常用错的词。


1. 考ACT/SAT的同学

2. 在英美上高中,每周都要写essay的同学

3. 申请完毕,马上大一开学的学生


1. 逗号


1. 首先来看两个最最常见的错误,我在修改同学作文的时候,见的非常多:

Marie Curie discovered radium, and later applied her work on radioactivity to medicine.

Jake told us that his illness is serious, but that changes in his lifestyle can improve his chances for survival.

上次我们说过,“逗号+ 连词”的结构可以用来隔开两个单独的句子,但是,上面的两个句子是完整的一个句子,第一个句子中的 and 是用来并列两个谓语动词,第二个句子中的 but 是用来并列 两个宾语从句,所以两个句子中的逗号必须都要去掉!

2. 不要用逗号将动词和其主语或者宾语隔开,大家来看两个病句

Zoos large enough to give the animals freedom to roam, are becoming more popular.

Maxine Hong Kingston writes, that many Chinese American families struggle “to figure out how the invisible world the emigrants built around our childhoods fits in solid America” (107).

根据规则2, 上面两个句子的逗号都是多余的。

3. 在进行列举的时候,不要在第一个项目前或者最后一个项目后添加逗号

Other causes of asthmatic attacks are, stress, change in temperature, and cold air.

Ironically, even novels that focus on horror, evil, and alienation, often have themes of spiritual renewal and redemption.


4. 在限定性修饰语和被修饰成分之间,不要加逗号


Drivers, who think they own the road, make cycling a dangerous

sport. (这边的两个逗号都是多余的,因为 who 引导的限定性定语从句不能和 被修饰的名词 drivers 分开,因为限定性定语从句去掉后,整个句子意思受到严重的影响)

Margaret Mead’s book, Coming of Age in Samoa, stirred up considerable controversy when it was published in 1928. (逗号多余,理由同上)

5. 如果一个句子以状语从句结束,该从句对整体影响很大,中间不加逗号

Don’t visit Paris at the height of the tourist season, unless you have booked hotel reservations. (这边的逗号多余)

The lecture seemed to last only a short time, although the clock said it had gone on for more than an hour. (although, even though, though, whereas 引导的让步状语从句一般都不是很重要,一般都要加逗号将其和主句分开)

6. 其他常见的使用错误

a.  Occasionally TV talk shows are performed live, but, more often they are taped. (but 后面的逗号多余)

b. Although, the air was balmy, the water was too cold for swimming. (although 后面的逗号多余)


awhile vs a while

awhile 是副词,可以用来修饰动词,它不可以当做名词用跟在介词后面;a while 是名词,所以可以跟在借此后面:Stay awhile. Stay for a while.

back up vs backup

back up 是动词词组,backup 是名词,表示备份:Back up your hard drive. Backup 也可以用作形容词:I regularly create backup disks.


Sommers, Nancy, and Diana Hacker. A Writer’s Reference (7th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. Print.


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