






1.Scotland 苏格兰

Answered by Dwayne Davies(New Zealand):

● There are no Hobbits, Orcs, floating eyeballs, or anything else from the Tolkien movies. Apart from Peter Jackson, he is part Hobbit.

● We do not all hate Australians. It's just considered a national hobby to bad-mouth them, until you can afford to move there.


2.Mongolia 蒙古

Answered by AmgaIan Ganbat (Mongolia):

● No. We do not ride horse in the city as public transportation. Actually, livestock are not allowed in cities. But then again, Mongolia is the only country where the number of horses exceeds country's population.


● We do not "play with" bows and arrows on a daily basis except for in our traditional sport festival.


● Mongolians hate to be disconnected from the world. For this reason, the internet connection speed is one of the fastest. Moreover, almost everyone who lives in the countryside and leads a traditional nomadic life (which is now about 10-15 percent of the whole population) possesses cellphone, satellite antenna, TV, and solar panel.


3.Canada 加拿大

Answered by Tom Curran(Canada):

● We have extraordinarily clean and safe cities. The country is both huge and empty. Most of us live within 150 km of the US border. Yes, you can, if you want, go for days without seeing another human.


● Our national anthem has a pretty good tune, but please, don't listen to the words. In either language. They're just silly. And finally, we're sorry about Justin Bieber. Please forgive us, eh?


4.India 印度

Answered by Manas J Saloi(India):

● We are not all snake charmers. So fuck that stereotype about us being mysterious people able to control snakes. Voldemort did not come to India to learn how to talk to snakes. It is all a rumour people!!! What's more :

Snake charming is banned in India.

● We don't have a terrible urge to go and pray to a cow whenever we see it. It is like me assuming whenever you see a cow you have saliva dripping out of your mouth.

● 'Indians are poor hungry people and unless you end up seeing 10 kids shitting besides the road you have not seen real India.' - Stereotype

No we are not.

Haha. You morons. We have all your jobs.


5.England 英国

Answered by Elin Grimes(England):

British Cuisine also has a terrible reputation, but in fact we have loads of delicious food, and our strength is our openness to other cuisines. We love all world cuisines and adopt many aspects into our own cooking. Almost all British households regularly cook curries, stir-fries, and pastas (particularly Spaghetti Bolognese), as well as more traditional British cooking.

● We got a bad reputation thanks to rationing during the war where Brits had to do their best with powdered egg and spam, but really...it's time to move on guys.


● And so on. We also invented almost all the classic biscuits. We are a little bit biscuit obsessed. Why? Why else? They go great with Tea!

● What to do this weekend...race a rubber duck?Join in with a Pancake race that dates back to 1445?Or just chase a cheese down a hill.


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