




1. 第一种是有逻辑关系的句子:

(1). 需要分辨是哪一种逻辑关系,常见的逻辑关系有三种:转折、因果和比较;

(2). 第二步要确定逻辑关系的双方:如果是因果关系就需要确定原因和结果分别是什么,错误选项往往会因果倒置;如果是转折关系就需要确定作者更强调哪一部分信息,错误选项往往把次要信息放在主要的位置上(如but后面);如果是比较关系,需要确定比较的双方、比较的内容和比较的结果,错误选项往往把比较结果弄反。


Example 1: TPO5-2 The Origin ofthe Pacific Island People

Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals.

9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Some people have argued that the Pacific was settled by traders who became lost while transporting domesticated plants and animals.

B. The original Polynesian settlers were probably marooned on the islands, but they may have been joined later by carefully prepared colonization expeditions.

C. Although it seems reasonable to believe that colonization expeditions would set out fully stocked, this is contradicted by much of the evidence.

D. The settlement of thePacific islands was probably intentional and well planned rather than accidental as some people have proposed.

先看原句,contrary to表示一个与主干部分相反的附加信息,主干部分在逗号之后,后半句说看起来合理的是这个壮举是由精心准备的殖民远征实现的,他们满载食物和动植物。原句中出现了一个表示相反的逻辑关系,选项中只有C和D含有转折关系。C说尽管看起来带着充足的食物殖民远征是合理的,但是这被很多证据反驳;原句中并没有体现用证据来反驳,所以C不正确。选项D中的intentionaland well planed对应原句的deliberate,rather than 对应原句开头的contrary to,原文就是否定了意外,支持了精心准备,所以D正确。


Example 2: TPO3-3 The Long-TermStability of Ecosystems

Many ecologists now think that the relative long-term stability of climax communities comes not from diversity but from the “patchiness” of the environment, an environment that varies from place to place supports more kinds of organisms than an environment that isuniform.

11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence inthe passage? Incurred choices change the meaning in important ways or leave outessential information.

A. Ecologistsnow think that the stability of an environment is a result of diversity ratherthan patchiness.

B. Patchyenvironments that vary from place to place do not often have high species diversity.

C. Uniformenvironments cannot be climax communities because they do not support as many types of organisms as patchy environments.

D. A patchy environment is thought to increase stability because it is able tosupport a wide variety of organisms.

先看句子,有not…but…表转折,如果先通过逻辑做题,就会把正确的D选项直接排除掉了(因为A,B,C都有rather than,not,not等)。显然这个方法不行,所以还要依靠主干做题。




选项C:统一的环境不可能是C群落,因为它们不能像P一样支持许多种类的有机体,主语Uniform environments出现在原句后半句,不是句子核心,所以一定不对。

2. 第二种类型是没有逻辑关系的句子,需要确定句子的主干成分。


Example 3: TPO4-1 DeerPopulations of the Puget Sound

11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

In addition to finding increase of suitable browse, like huckleberry and vine maple, Arthur Einarsen, longtimegame biologist in the Pacific Northwest, found quality of browse in the openareas to be substantially more nutritive.

A. Arthur Einarsen’s longtime family with the Pacific Northwest? helped him discoverareas where deer had an increase in suitable browse.

B. Arthur Einarsen found that deforested feeding grounds provided deer with more and better food (browse).

C. Biologist like Einarsen believe it is important to find additional open areas with suitable browse for deer to inhabit.

D. According to Einarsen, huckleberry and vine maple are examples of vegetation that may someday improve the nutrition of deer in the open areas of the Pacific Northwest.

句子无明显逻辑,抓住干,句子有很多逗号,我们要先找到句子主语。开头inaddition to是附加信息不会是主语,后面like举例子也不会是主语,再后面AE是一个人名,可能是主语,后面紧接着说生物学家,是AE的同位语,最后一个小分句,found是个动词,是句子谓语,这句话的核心是说AE发现空地上的草更有营养。到选项当中,只有B说Arthur Einarsen发现无树的觅食地点能给鹿提供更多更好的食物,这里的better对应原句more nutritive,deforested feeding grounds对应the open areas,因为the表明前文中有提到,而前一句确实就说了deforested,因此完全对应,本题选B。


选项C:像Arthur Einarsen这样的生物学家认为,为鹿寻找额外的开阔并拥有合适嫩草的居住区是很重要的。主语不对,且原句中没强调重要性,C错。

选项D:根据Einarsen,越橘和藤槭是典型植被,某日可能可以改善太平洋西北宽阔地区鹿的营养。D的主语huckleberry and vinemaple只是原句中like分句中的例子,不是句子重点,所以D错。


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