




Daikin 大金空调

人事部长 高野裕之


SGS 通标标准技术服务

中国区人力资源总监 戴斌

我们会引用很多先进的、自动化的技术带入到传统的检验检测工作环境当中,来提高工作效率。在传统方面,我们特别注重技术,并且以诚信为主。现在,除了这些还是必须要注重的点之外,我们也会非常注重创新。因为公司有创新的需求,所以在很多岗位上,我们对员工的需求增加了创新这样一块。首先,公司有一个创新的平台,有创新委员会,然后是组织不同的创新项目、工作小组。这些成员来自于一些传统的岗位。曾经他们也有一些想法,或者有一些成绩,也有背景和技术;同时,还要招纳一些有创新领域技能的人才组成工作小组,公司孕育了这样的平台以后,给到一个团队,然后通过创新委员会的认可,开展一些创新的项目。在这个过程当中,可能有些员工之前没有参与过很多项目工作小组,所以在项目管理上呢,可能是有些欠缺。所以,在人才发展培育培养上,我们也是借这样的平台,让员工自发的感觉到自己需要有例如项目管理等技术技能的培训需求。公司也早就准备好,提供了这方面需求的培训项目。在过程当中,员工培训完成以后,他也会自发的要求公司,能不能有follow up的安排,其实,公司的培训从来不是上完一节课就结束,后续会有很多跟进的回顾,以及更多的培训,加入到对员工的培养上面。



人力资源总监 Craig Spickett

Digital social media really helped transform the way we do business and GODIVA. We have over 1 million Wechat followers, so we better able to understand their behaviors and needs more than ever before. This really helped shape our produc t innovations, like some the one you can see here, which are really relevant to our consumers through all stage of their lives. So we really want our consumers to grow with us. CRM has allowed us to speak to more consumers than ever, so we are in close connection with our consumers. Social media and digital have really allowed us to make this come true. If we focus on E-commerce for example, we are present in 450 cities across China alone, compared with over 30 cities for our retail boutiques. CRM allows us to capture relevant insights from our consumers which really transformed the way we innovate in our products. We continually speak and communicate with our consumers through social media to understand their needs, to grow with their needs and to continually innovate as an organization. We are passionate about our products, but we can only innovate if we understand the consumers’desires and needs. New technologies have must impacted on this and now we are able to talk to them in the way that was never possible before. From the organizational perspective, we are now looking for people having different capabilities that we have never before. We really want to embrace more agility, so people never satisfied constantly changing and with the dynamic nature of retail industry. We are looking for this embracing of change which is around us. China’s a perfect example. We are able to embrace more changes than ever before.

Some of the key behaviors that really enable us embrace change. Having been agility. Agility is so important in our industry, given the dynamic nature of retail across China. We are in a highly competitive and dynamic environment where we want to embrace change and really see new opportunities. New technologies really impact this in a really positive way. Some of the key behaviors we promote in organization which really helps define our culture is around positivity. So with all these changes that happening, we want to maintain a positive outlook, inspire passion for products and our brand across China. And so we are looking for people who really immaculate and behave in this way which allows us to connect and speak to consumers in the way that we have never able to before. Keeping it abilities really enable this focus on digital, social media as well as other technologies.

Team work is so important as we build this winning culture at GODIVA. We really embrace change, but it’s important that we support each other on this journey and in order to allows us when succeed.

At GODIVA, we are looking for talent across all generations. We really embrace experiences as well as new ideas, so it’s important that we attract talent that is open to new ideas and changes, but also wants to support and work on organization mission which is to create life moments that enrich our consumers’ lives. We are really passionate at GODIVA to spread the joy and to earn automate chocolate experiences. We want to attract talents to really share its passion for our brand. In terms of the behaviors, we really want to encourage and promote behaviors that enhance our company culture. Some of these behaviors are around positivity, collaborations that we work together, as well as agility, to ensure what constantly changing if offering open to new ideas.

We really encourage our talent take ownership of the development. And HR is that really support nurture this talent, so when people join us, we offer a really transparent career path. With this career path, we encourage ownership of each stage, but we have a number of innovative ways that we want to develop our talent. So for example millenniums talent, we have offered a reversed mentoring scheme. This is work they have opportunity to partner with senior leadership member, to give them voice to share ideas and to really empower them to take the ownership of career development at a very early stage. We offer E-learning multiples. So E-learning multiples offer 24*7, so people again can learn on demand according to when they are able to fit in learning. We active in encourage on the job learning as well. Most of learning and our experiences comes from actually doing the roles. We encourage mentorship and sharing this learning what they are actually carrying out tasks. We have a number of initiatives that really drive on the job experiences, learning from peers. Some of these task forces we encourage on talent to work together on. So for example, we have a number of task forces at the moment when department so working on areas, maybe they are not specialized standard, for example, we have people from marketing team working with our HR colleagues and sharing ideas on how to drive employee engagement, again this is really just facilitate sharing ideas open to us and this is really a part of company culture. We want to encourage open to this idea and embrace change but actually support each other on this journey.

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