思慧 何德伦老师分享(1)The Mind! The Mind! 心!心!



欢迎关注维安的正念mindfulnesspodcast 公众号 (点击上方蓝色字关注图标)前言:这分享来自于一位马来西亚的禅修者——何德伦先生,   他拥有30多年的禅修经验,并在德加尼亚禅师指导下学习了四念处12余年。何德伦老师分享在四念处修习当中的一些要点,无论对于初学者还是有多年禅修经验的人都有很大的助益。随喜他法布施的功德。善哉!   善哉!  善哉!

引用: 以下的文字来自何德伦先生微信讨论群,得到了何德伦先生的首肯后发布。转载请注明作者(何德伦先生)心!心!从各个方面去觉知心。有时你甚至没有觉察到那是心。当念头说“嗯,现在很安静”,你是否觉察到“在想的心”正在发生,它在说“嗯,现在很安静?”? 还是你认为那是你在想?在那个当下,你是否觉察到 “安静的心”、“知道的心”、“觉知的心”,它们都在发挥自己的功能,同时在发生——它们都是心里所发生的。这些都可以被知道。这些都是觉知的对象(所缘)。如实的观察它们。

"烦躁不安的心”也没有什么问题 。只是另一种心的经验。或者 “昏沉的心”、“担忧的心“好奇的心”、 “兴奋的心”-- 如果你没有觉察到那是 “心”,你可能会跟随它或参与其中。如实的觉察它们。

包括“接下来我该做什么”的心 或“我很困惑”的心。 就只是一个“在想的心”。另一种心的活动。心的过程并*不是*邀请你去跟随,更不是让你“困惑”,全部只是*在心发生的*,在发生。不是“一个人困惑”。不是“一个人”在想“接下来我应该做什么”。所发生的只是心的制造。

除非你没有觉察到它们是“心”——不然你就会卷入思绪里  - 跟随念头和把念头认同为,是我,我或我的。

The mind! The mind!

Be aware of the mind in all its aspect.Sometimes you may not even notice it is the mind. When the thought that says"hmmm, it is quiet now", do you notice the "thinking mind"is happening that says "hmmm, it is quiet now"? Or you thought it wasyou thinking? And also in the midst of that mind do you also notice the"quiet mind", the "knowing mind", the "awarenessmind" all playing different function taking place simultaneously - all areHAPPENINGS within the mind. All these can be known. All these are objects ofawareness. Observing them all as it is.

There is nothing wrong with "restlessmind" too. Just another mind experience. Or "sleepy mind","worry mind", curious mind", "excited mind" - if onedon't notice it is "the mind", one end up following it or involvingin it. Notice them all as it is.

Including "what-should-I-do-nextmind". Or "I-am-confused" mind. It is just a THINKING mind.Another mind activity. The mind processes is NOT inviting you to follow noreven making you "confuse". All just a MIND HAPPENING taking place. No"a person confuse". No "a person" that thinks"what-should-I-do-next". Just mental fabrications taking place.

Unless you are not noticing them as"THE MIND" - then you fall into the trance of the mind - followingand identified with it as me, I, or mine.


何德伦导师已经教授禅修20余年,吸收了许多先贤智慧的教导与他自己多年的正念经验之旅。他通过课程、工作坊、周末静修的方式为禅修者提供了一种当代的禅修方式。他的独特风格教学和分享啟发反思和讨论。通过以正念+智慧为工具,他擅长引导禅修者深入通过修习正念+智慧, 理解自心的运作,从而带来自由和快乐。


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