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潮人谈在刊发此推送后,第一时间与我们的老朋友,香港管弦乐团行政总裁麦高德(Michael MacLeod)取得联系。麦高德发给我们的声明如下。声明比较长,而且是英文,您可以选择跳过。我们只想说明两点:声明是为了解决问题,而不是制造更多问题。从这点出发,这份声明起到了作用,乐团确立了道德制高点(moral high ground)。我们的美国媒体合作伙伴在看到这份声明后,决定取消刊登乐团的经济“丑闻”,因为不存在值得报道的丑闻。至此,危机化解,危机公关基本成功了

An anonymous letter dated 6 April 2016 was sent to various organisations in Hong Kong including the press. Because it was anonymous, everyone was ignoring it until one publication (Apple Daily) decided to write an article, opening the door for other papers to follow. Apple Daily’s article was full of inaccuracies; some publications are repeating the inaccuracies; others are checking in with the HK Phil to get the facts. I am asking for fair, balanced reporting.

The primary issue is why the anonymous letter was written in the first place. It was either to show that someone within the HK Phil administration had done something improper, or to attempt to portray someone as having done something improper, even though they hadn’t.

Apple Daily has stated that they received some internal HK Phil documents. Having investigated, I feel confident that no-one currently working for the HK Phil gave Apple Daily any information. The logical conclusion is that the person who gave the information to Apple Daily and who wrote the anonymous letter was someone whose recent employment was not extended by the HK Phil and who decided to “attack” the HK Phil out of spite and in a cowardly way by hiding behind the secretive veil of anonymity.

The false accusation is that Vennie’s daughter somehow benefitted from the HK Phil doing business with a production company called Mad Music that hired her on a part-time basis, and that the HK Phil engaged Mad Music without following approved procurement policies.

The facts:

- Mad Music has been employed on just four occasions: three times by fundraising event committees and once by the HK Phil administration.

- The HK Phil’s “Procurement Policies & Guidelines” were reviewed and approved by the Board through the Executive Committee on 29 October 2011, and further reviewed in September 2014. It states in Section 2.c that for procurements/contracts exceeding $50,000 but not exceeding $500,000, three written quotations are required. It also says in Section 5 that “This guideline applies to all purchases except for the following”, and listed in 5.f is “Procurement items made by a committee assigned to oversee a special project or event (e.g. fundraising concert)”.

- The first occasion that Mad Music was hired – chosen by the Fundraising Concert committee (that included a number of volunteers) - was for the Fundraising Concert on 22 February 2012 (two and a half years before Vennie’s daughter was employed by Mad Music). The total amount paid to them was $446,000.

- The second time was for the HK Phil’s 40th Anniversary Gala Fundraising Dinner on 14 June 2014 – again, chosen by a committee - and also before Vennie’s daughter was employed by Mad Music. The amount was $491,600.

- The third time was for the 2015/16 Season Opening on 4 September 2015. As this was not a fundraising event, three written quotations were obtained by the HK Phil administration. Company A quoted $215,000; Company B quoted $150,000; Mad Music quoted $124,500 – the lowest. It was a much simpler event than the fundraising ones, and the amount paid to them ended up being $131,500. Although Vennie’s daughter had started her employment with them (always part-time), Mad Music did not allocate her services to this event; she had no involvement.

- The fourth occasion when Mad Music was hired was for a Fundraising Dinner on 17 December 2015. The committee overseeing this event chose Mad Music, and the amount paid to Mad Music was $355,400 (please note: lower than the previous two fundraising events). On this occasion, Vennie’s daughter was asked to help. The HK Phil did not pay her anything, and her only remuneration was through her normal, monthly Mad Music part-time salary (with no extras or bonuses for this event). This is the only occasion that Vennie’s daughter has had an indirect link to an HK Phil event. With regard to any declaration of conflict of interest, the relevant committee was well aware of the relationship between Vennie and one of Mad Music’s part-time employees (her daughter). The HK Phil has never hired Vennie’s daughter for any occasion, whether fundraising or not.

- In case anyone thinks Mad Music does all or most of HK Phil’s events, they do not. Since their first job in February 2012, they have done fewer than 1/3 of the events that they might have. They were not involved in the annual Fundraising Concerts in 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016; they were not involved in the Season Opening in 2012/13, 2013/14 or 2014/15. They were not involved in any other fundraising dinners. The HK Phil administration and the various fundraising event committees use a wide selection of production companies.





1. 承认杰德因隐瞒与员工发生性关系违规而辞职,杰德对此事负全部责任。

2. 将性关系定性为“两厢情愿”(consensual),而且强调两人都是单身,洗净一。

3. 推迟两周公布结果是为了保护女性当事人的身份,博得同情,洗净二。

4. 由林肯中心证明提拔该女性并不违规,该女性表现的确出色,应当提拔,洗净三。

5. 强调杰德在接受调查时,已经中止了与该女性的关系,洗净四。

6. 赞扬林肯中心,提出与林肯中心共事取得的成就并祝好,占领道德制高点。

7. 说服《纽约时报》使用了一张杰德正面形象的照片,如下。结束。



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